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The US Government has control of the Internet in the US

Not many know that the US Gov has control of the internet. I will post links so that we can all be informed. And also links to petition this action. Sorry for this random post but I feel that this is an important topic that our government did behind our backs. http://gizmodo.com/federal-court-invalidates-net-neutrality-rules-sides-w-1501028467?utm_campaign=socialflow_gizmodo_facebook&utm_source=gizmodo_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow http://act.freepress.net/sign/internet_FCC_court_decision2/ https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/restore-net-neutrality-directing-fcc-classify-internet-providers-common-carriers/5CWS1M4P http://www.savetheinternet.com/sti-home http://www.fcc.gov/
I hate being the hipster but I knew waaaay before edward snowden that the government has controll over any digital network and has a watch on most big internet events. Like..If I were the NSA I would do the same. Fuck human rights and independence and the movie with will smith where he talks 50 minutes about how importsnt freedom is, lets watch over everything because..because we can. yes we can.
There is a "Because we can" aspect, but thats a bigger part of why the government is the way it is, Its there to protect and create order, and make things work preventing anarchy. Its nothing new for the government to have these capabilities. do you really think your restricted when in other countries like iran, mainly propaganda sites, and most us sites are blocked, and monitored. If the people have no control, (your out of your mind if you think the melting pot "america" all agrees on the same thing), and if the government has no control, well because the people have issue with the governement. then whos really in control? its funny we try to divide politics to apease different points of view, but its a solution that doesnt fix a problem as long as the race war, or war on terrorism. Freedom, is a state of utopia, otherwise, why do we still pay for things to get what we want ? isnt that a constraint in choice or action. were in a world, where we have to play a game...winter is coming
-Government controls everything -could be worse -patitioning this only makes the us vulnerable -governments messed up because the people cant decide what they want -when the one thing the people desire is freedom, but nobody really knows what it is ~the simplified version
I understood what you stated in the first comment. Our country really isn't a country its more like a corporation. I don't know whats wrong with our society to let these kinds of things happen, also our government is wrong in going behind our backs without telling us, since we elected most of them in office we should have some sort of say in it. If this passes then you are correct in saying that the gov. is in control of everything, slowly our freedoms are being snuffed out. Benefit the few damn the many. Only time will tell.
I think its something that has already been done though, and just needs to be enforced, they already regulate oversight. some things are good to know, while others put us at risk, mainly due to levels of immigration and Foreign visitors.
You have a point. If the government would sugest that they watch all of public media like the internet FOR TERRORIST HUNTING ONLY and not just to find one among a thousand idiots who somehow hacked youtube or something, then I would be willing to accept that. Why ? Not because I think that it would be efficient because it most likely isnt really. But because if the population disagrees and doesnt accept such an offer than the government will do it anyway which is what has been happening since like..possible the very first phone call . What I'm trying to say is that the internet should be free and not be watched for minor crime such as illegally uploaded breaking bad episodes (because even if you dont want it hollywood, everyone on this planet with a computer will watch shows on the web because its natural. Like recording a movie on vhs like in oldschool times ) but for the real deal like crazy maniacs planing to destroy a bank or poison every single cornflake type or something..you know..9/11 and all. Once again. I doubt an evil organisation would be stupid enough to actually write their plans on the web or even contact each other through some kind of unsecured copnnection, but I would agree that this is accepted as a exception in terms of law and order <--see wut i ded thure ?
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