DBZ or DBZ Kai

Goaway @vaughn
DBZ or DBZ Kai
Goaway @vaughn
I've heard people say they hate Kai and even say, "it's awful for cutting so much". I honestly don't understand how anyone could not prefer Kai! The script is more accurate to the comic, the music was given a more upbeat tone, the animation was re-filtered to look a little more modern, and last no filler. No filler! I mean, you can argue that the Buu saga was cut, but it's more than likely going to be released sometime this year now. I think it's just people blinded by nostalgia. Don't get me wrong. I love DBZ to death, but I'll always go to Kai if I ever feel like watching the series again.

ADogX @adogx
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DBZ or DBZ Kai
ADogX @adogx
no disrespect...but you said comic...
anyway I like both. I honestly like Kai more because the animations and voice acting is better, and there's no filler. makes me think Naruto should have a Kai series

scittykatt @scittykatt
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DBZ or DBZ Kai
scittykatt @scittykatt
Been awhile since I watched Dragonball Z, I stopped after the Buu Saga. For some reason, it annoyed me.

Goaway @vaughn
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DBZ or DBZ Kai
Goaway @vaughn
Yeah, I said comic, because it's a comic. :P Should I use "manga" instead? They're literally the same thing.
Anyways, I agree Nartuo (even though I'm not too fond of that series) should get one in the future. It should finish it's current run. As for the Buu saga being annoying, I mainly blame that on it's filler, but it's very rare that's a good thing. Though, I do admit there were waaay to many "twist" in the Buu saga.

ADogX @adogx
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DBZ or DBZ Kai
ADogX @adogx
well it is called manga so...yeah
and i can't wait till the Kai series of Buu Saga is finished and released

Goaway @vaughn
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DBZ or DBZ Kai
Goaway @vaughn
They're just Japanese comics. If I really wanted to get technical I could just call them graphic novels. :P
Yeah, the Buu Saga is gonna be awesome filler free. Can't wait for them to trim up the scene when Goku is first going SSJ3.

UliCam @ulicam
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DBZ or DBZ Kai
UliCam @ulicam
Hmm I like the original DBZ with the Canadian voice actors, you can't replace nostalgia. But I like Kai in the sense of showing non of the "filler-ish" episodes.

venomfang56 @venomfang56
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DBZ or DBZ Kai
venomfang56 @venomfang56
DBZ its what I was raised on heheh

kira_17 @kira_17
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DBZ or DBZ Kai
kira_17 @kira_17
Its a tough call because we grew up on the original, but I do like kai for the improved animation, better voice acting, and cutting of most of the filler. So id say I like Kai just a bit better, it'd be more so if the buu saga was there and if it weren't for nostalgia lol

andegame @andegame
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DBZ or DBZ Kai
andegame @andegame
The original DBZ is better because it doesn't stop after the Cell Games Saga, plus my first episode was Goku transforming into a Super Saiyan for the first time... So yeah. lol
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