Anyone from Ohio?

Goaway @vaughn
Anyone from Ohio?
Goaway @vaughn
Hello! Just curious if they're any other people from the Ohio area.

chicgeek23 @chicgeek23
commented on
Anyone from Ohio?
chicgeek23 @chicgeek23
<This person. Just moved here actually.

soulwhodreams @soulwhodreams
commented on
Anyone from Ohio?
soulwhodreams @soulwhodreams
Hey, Ohio here. Do they have cons in Ohio? I've seen youtube clips about the big ones in California and some funny reporter goes and interviews all the people who cosplay. Looks like something like that would be alot of fun to do, though I'd worry about impulse control and not buying a ton of things on a spur of the moment whim. My amazon wish list for titles is already 3 pages long. I could not fathom being in one spot where tons of anime/manga/etc purchases could be made instantly.
I get envious seeing fan videos where people go in groups and get a hotel room and when they get back to their room they each have a bag full of memorabilia dumped out over the bed and onto the floor! I don't collect figures anymore but just seeing all the cool items and collectibles---it makes you want to have a bag full of cool items to dump out and sort through too!
But luckily this is Ohio and all I'm surrounded by are strip malls, strip malls, and grocery stores. And some woods. Though the woods are quickly being bulldozed for more condos. :(

Cyan-San @cyansan
commented on
Anyone from Ohio?
Cyan-San @cyansan
I'm from Ohio. I live in Toledo currently

wereninja1992 @wereninja1992
commented on
Anyone from Ohio?
wereninja1992 @wereninja1992
Born and raised in Ohio

liltakame @liltakame
commented on
Anyone from Ohio?
liltakame @liltakame
We have Matsuricon, Ohayocon, Nyancon, Colossalcon, and Glass city, too, soulwhodreams. And, yep. I live in Ohio.

ResidentEvilBabe @animefangirl89
commented on
Anyone from Ohio?
ResidentEvilBabe @animefangirl89
I live in Ohio as well. From Massillon. All the conventions are a drive depending where you live but they are fun.

liltakame @liltakame
commented on
Anyone from Ohio?
liltakame @liltakame
Yeah, but at least we have them, right? Better then nothing.

imagicianx @imagicianx
commented on
Anyone from Ohio?
imagicianx @imagicianx
Another fellow Ohioan here. Near the Canton area.

meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
commented on
Anyone from Ohio?
meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
Im from midland, pa.
its about as close to ohio as it gets.
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