Lets play a...Game. Mhmuhahahaha

Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
Lets play a...Game. Mhmuhahahaha
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
Okay since (from what I've experienced so far)This site has close to zero effectivity to bring anime fans closer together and create new bonds, why not play a game ? My Idea is the following:
You start with a short introduction and then You Name your favorite movie, favorite food, favorite book, favorite color, favorite song, favorite hobby and most importantly favorite anime and manga.
Then the next person making a post does the same. If you see that someone has posted at least 3 favorite things you both have in common, you must send him a friend request and have a talk with him.
Maybe My idea is not perfect and could need some refining, but that way hopefully people will know each other better.
Allow me to start :)
favorite movie: Back to the future and Donnie darko.
favorite food: Bacon
favorite book: Jekyll and hide
favorite color: red
favorite song: freedom call- warriors
favorite hobby: Martial arts and
watching anime
favorite anime: Hunter x Hunter
Favorite Manga: JoJo's bizarre adventure

UliCam @ulicam
commented on
Lets play a...Game. Mhmuhahahaha
UliCam @ulicam
Lol I think your idea is pretty interesting. I will continue with your post I would put more than one answer but I will try and put one, this is going to be hard lol. Alright then lets do this!
Favortite Movie: 3 Idiots
Favorite Food: Sushi
Favorite Book: Let The Great World Spin
Favorite Color: Purple/Blue
Favorite Song: Bob Dylan "Like a Rolling Stone"
Favorite Hobby: Watching Anime/Reading Manga, Knowledge
Favorite Anime: Great Teacher Onizuka/Golden Boy
Favorite Manga: The Big 3/Attack On Titan/ Prison School

Jared :P @immagnasher
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Lets play a...Game. Mhmuhahahaha
Jared :P @immagnasher
Sounds interesting
Movie: Scott pilgrim vs the world
Food: spaghetti
Book: hatchet
Color: green
Song: breaking a habit (linkin park)
Hobby: small engine mechanics
Anime: Angel beats
Manga: elfin lied

Alexis Lynn @alexislynn
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Lets play a...Game. Mhmuhahahaha
Alexis Lynn @alexislynn
Movie: Sherlock Holmes and Anastasia
Favorite food: Sushi and watermelon
Book: seriously? I love too many books to choose
Color: Red
Song: again with the difficult questions T-T It constantly changes for me, depending on my mood and such like
Hobby: Traveling
Anime: Baccano!
Manga: Until Death Do Us Part
Also, this site is too effective. I've met quite a few people on here that I'm good friends with and I also met my boyfriend on here. We have been dating for 5 months. (and yeah, they aren't just online relationships)

anothertsundere @anothertsundere
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Lets play a...Game. Mhmuhahahaha
anothertsundere @anothertsundere
this is a good idea it will make alot of people serious for once and give the shy kids some confidence ^_^ thump up blue!
Favorite anime: i guess since i gotta pick probably YuYu Hakusho (gotta love the potty mouth leads anime is so much better with cussing feels less childish that way ^-^)
Favorite game: Okami
Favorite food: pork (skin,pulled,chops)
Favorite book: anita blake novels
Favorite color: Orange
Favorite song: stained "it been a while"
Favorite real movie: American pies (all included)
Favorite animated movie: kong fu panda with 2 (very hard cause the croods is right behind it ^^')
Favorite manga: love series ayu (true masterpiece)
favorite hobby: imma say something different than anime or manga but taking pictures of nature :)
now watch some people on here want to change their mind when something pops up xD oo i love that too ooo!i like that too!!dammit why didnt i think of that or put that watch it gonna happen! <x(

Ankit @ankit
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Lets play a...Game. Mhmuhahahaha
Ankit @ankit
Favortite Movie: Good Will Hunting, Like stars on earth
Favorite Food: Sandwich
Favorite Book: Sons and Lovers
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Song: Forever Lost by God is an Astronaut
Favorite Hobby: Reading, Racing
Favorite Anime: Gintama
Favorite Manga: One Piece
Nice Idea ^_^

xueli @xueli
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Lets play a...Game. Mhmuhahahaha
xueli @xueli
Favorite Movie: .... A lot. Huge movie watcher lol
Favorite Food: Mangos, well fruit in general (except durian, that shit is nasty)
Favorite Book: ... I read a lot too, hahaha. Well lately I'm re-reading the Shadow series from Ender's Game
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Song: ... I consume a lot of entertainment... Uh, Beast Nico Vega just cause I finally had enough time to finish Bioshock
Favorite Hobby: video gaming, song engineering, going out, playing instruments
Favorite Anime: Armitage cuz I kinda wanna watch it again :P
Favorite Manga: errrr, Gunnm.
Damn my anime/manga are old-school...lol someone recommend me more recent ones! :p

TaylorHime @taylorhime
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Lets play a...Game. Mhmuhahahaha
TaylorHime @taylorhime
Favorite Movie: Avengers
Favorite Food: Rainbow sherbet Icecream :) Although, it's kinda a desert, but whatever ^.^
Favorite Book: Tigers Curse Saga By Colleen Houck
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Anime: Code Geass
Favorite Hobby: Swimming
Favorite Manga: Black Bird
Favorite Song: People Like Us By Kelly Clarkson

Amrod @amrodcalanor
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Lets play a...Game. Mhmuhahahaha
Amrod @amrodcalanor
Favorite Movie: Jurassic Park/Indiana Jones
Favorite Food: [Insert Hispanic Food]
Favorite Book: The Land
Favorite Color: Gray/Blue
Favorite Song: [Fallout Radiostation]
Favorite Anime: FMAB
Favorite Hobby: Cooking
Favorite Manga: ....

Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
commented on
Lets play a...Game. Mhmuhahahaha
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
I know sometimes its hard or even impossible to choose something and say its my ''favorite''. But there sure has to be one thing out of all that you would say is a little more awesome than everything else.
I have serious problems naming my favorite song for example because that actually changes from time to time. But my favorite movie will forever be back to the future xD Go Johnny go, go !
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