Recommend me a touching anime.

the_wanderer @the_wanderer
Recommend me a touching anime.
the_wanderer @the_wanderer
Any good anime to recommend, I want to watch sad anime for a change. Any good ones?
At least sad that makes a person cry.

haha386 @haha386
commented on
Recommend me a touching anime.
haha386 @haha386
watch Angel Beats.. the end is sad

zerotooohero @zero_onimatsu
commented on
Recommend me a touching anime.
zerotooohero @zero_onimatsu
Um a sad anime elfin lied and a sad movie anime wolf children

Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
commented on
Recommend me a touching anime.
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
angel beats
Ef. Tale of memories/melodies
Naruto is shonen and and all but it had some moments of sadness. Obito's past and all that plothole stuff with madara really touched me.
JoJo's bizarre adventure. many sad deaths

chrisma @chrisma
commented on
Recommend me a touching anime.
chrisma @chrisma
White Album 2
Bokura ga Ita
Kimi ga Nozumo Eien

the_wanderer @the_wanderer
commented on
Recommend me a touching anime.
the_wanderer @the_wanderer
I saw angle beats before.
I will give elfin lied and wolf children a try.
I saw clannad before, yes that was sad.
I will give Ef. Tale of memories/melodies a try.
I Will give them a try.
For now, I will give Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai a try.
Because, people said that it's sad.
Thanks for the recommendation.

TlaLaz @tlalaz
commented on
Recommend me a touching anime.
TlaLaz @tlalaz
Idk about sad, but I found Usagi Drop touching (in the "this-is-sad-but-still-sweet-how-ppl-can-be-good-in-the-world" kind of way)

koszulcia xd @koszulcia
commented on
Recommend me a touching anime.
koszulcia xd @koszulcia
how about u try watching really sad japanese drama? i finished it last night and i cried nearly on every single episode >_<
its up to u if u are interested XD

koszulcia xd @koszulcia
commented on
Recommend me a touching anime.
koszulcia xd @koszulcia
also u could try anime called 'peach girl'

ramensoup43 @ramensoup43
commented on
Recommend me a touching anime.
ramensoup43 @ramensoup43
Usagi Drop. Literally makes me cherish time with my niece even more after seeing it. So much I refuse to watch it repeatedly and want to keep the initial feels from it as a reminder of what I enjoyed.
Actually, I would say Usagi Drop was one of the shows that influenced me for better, but that's just me saying though. But even from episode 1 it downright rapes your heartstrings without warning. Again, just me saying...
If anything close to lighthearted and touching there's always the Key/Vis Arts adaptations Air, Kannon, Clannad, Angel Beats, and Little Busters! Oh, movie wise, try 5 Centimeters Per Second.
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