My Dreams
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
My Dreams
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
My dreams do not bring me peace<br>
Nor do they bring me terror<br>
I think I’d settle for a beast<br>
To bring a decent scare<br>
No dreams at all would just be fine<br>
Instead of toss and turning<br>
If I could just turn down the whine<br>
Of all my unfilled yearnings<br>
To set aside regret, desire<br>
Awake is no hard task<br>
To stop them burning like a fire<br>
Asleep is all I ask<br>
<br>Jim Cooke, 2007
Clyzard @clyzard
commented on
My Dreams
Clyzard @clyzard
very nice
Sobi @sobi
commented on
My Dreams
Sobi @sobi
I really love this one. You must have had some insomnia issues too.
Sakumie Tenshi @sasusakubabymaniac
commented on
My Dreams
Sakumie Tenshi @sasusakubabymaniac
Lovely. <3
konad13 @konad13
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My Dreams
konad13 @konad13
Very nice.
Ah, I remember poetry/shirt fiction class. Nearly failed it myself, but loved every assignment. I did freak the teacher out once when I did a really deep one about how small and insignificant a high schooler like myself is. Only "A" I ever got in that class.
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