Hello there :D

wolftendragon @wolftendragon
Hello there :D
wolftendragon @wolftendragon
My first time on this site! So many people! My name is Chris :D

nii_chan112 @nii_chan112
commented on
Hello there :D
nii_chan112 @nii_chan112
RUN WHILE YOU STILL CAN! They're coming after me as I type this. This site does things to people... horrible things... get out while there's still time! Oh no! I think they're he-

Aika @aika
commented on
Hello there :D
Aika @aika
o-o Hard to follow that (^) up, xD but hello and welcome! c:

anothertsundere @anothertsundere
commented on
Hello there :D
anothertsundere @anothertsundere
welcome ^-^ fellow wolf fan :3
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