Original Anime Fiction.

xXxExiledExistencexXx @exiledexistence
Original Anime Fiction.
xXxExiledExistencexXx @exiledexistence
Wanted to see if anyone actually writes there own original anime fictions. Not fiction based off anime's already made, I mean anime fictions that you created entirely by yourself. Like Story plots, Character Names, Events, Roles, Settings, Titles, Etc. I have always been a fan of writing anime fiction, I have a couple under my belt. Just wanted to see if anyone else has their own original fictions. List the titles, and story plots please. I would love to see the stories you have created, Maybe we can mesh together and make up one.

reihk_angul @reihk_angul
commented on
Original Anime Fiction.
reihk_angul @reihk_angul
Actually I was part of an anime inspired roleplay. It was an original story. Post apocalyptic survival story which was echii and harem I believe XD. The story idea was a friend's though. But I'm planning on making an anime inspired adventure/action/drama/comedy/fantasy story.

kishinlover @kishinlover
commented on
Original Anime Fiction.
kishinlover @kishinlover
Im a horrible writer, I will say but I love too draw, So im always drawing check out sum of the stuff in my pics maybe you'll like em:D and if you have ideas for a story let me know and ill draw one up i have alot of free time:D

xXxExiledExistencexXx @exiledexistence
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Original Anime Fiction.
xXxExiledExistencexXx @exiledexistence
@kishinlover, i love your artwork. I have some storyplots that i have in my vault, that have never seen the light. I see you can make your own manga, that's a plus! ^_^. I added you. When i get home, ill throw some stories your way, you can add to it if you want. Ill message you and we can even create something together. I had 2 different friends who help bring my plots to paper, and it was awesome. I look forward to talking to you.

adam4472 @adam4472
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Original Anime Fiction.
adam4472 @adam4472
Check out One Piece Ship of Fools wiki. That's an entire site dedicated to making your own stuff up within the One Piece universe.

teamkh @teamkh
commented on
Original Anime Fiction.
teamkh @teamkh
hey I am creating an original anime called Kurai Hikari, it means Dark Light! I will probably post it soon eh?

Metronome @metronome
commented on
Original Anime Fiction.
Metronome @metronome
Been writing anime novels recently, already posted 2 previews of them on here if you wanna check it out.

DJ T-Tom @theycallmetakeo
commented on
Original Anime Fiction.
DJ T-Tom @theycallmetakeo
Anime? Not quite...yet. I'm actually working with an artist on publishing a Web Manga. I've got roughly 150 pages of just notes (locations, characters, plot outline, character relationships, abilities, explanation for abilities, physics, and part of the first installment which is in progress). It's titled Yawara Hunters (romanized from Yawara Hantazu).
It was an idea that I originally had for another forum, but the original idea was stored on a USB drive that got stolen, and I had no redundant backup. But, the idea never left and swam around my head for two years, before finally it boiled over. So I found my way to a Manga writer/artist forum, and got lucky and found an artist who absolutely loved the idea (he came to me, I didn't directly ask for an artist but I did state I wanted to work with one and he actually asked to be my artist, it was awesome). And thus began its development. It's the hardest I've ever worked in writing, but it's also the one I look forward to publishing the most.

Aka-san @redhawk
commented on
Original Anime Fiction.
Aka-san @redhawk
There are two manga working titles I'm currently working on by myself, one is "The Hero Saga" and the other is "Tears of Terra", there are others that are in the works, but i'm focusing on these two at the moment

Moose Of Mibu @moose_of_mibu
commented on
Original Anime Fiction.
Moose Of Mibu @moose_of_mibu
I'm working on one! :D It's of the yuri/action/horror/supernatural/psychological genres. It's for my manga-style comic called "Red River Reaper." It's about a lesbian named River Mason born into a family with magical powers. Her powers are actually the product of her family's curse, placed upon them by the higher-ups of a mysterious organization known as the Elemental Embassy. The Embassy is a top-secret underground organization that houses a small tribe of magic users, the only ones left on the planet, located in the heartlands, in the middle of nowhere: Oklahoma. The Embassy wipes out all outside forces of magic, power intended to be kept hidden, especially ones of the elemental kind: (Water, Earth Wind, Fire, Air, Lightning.) The curse, known as the "Mason Family Curse", forbids all members of the Mason family from using regular magic. Due to their forbidden use of the Elements, the higher-ups decided to curse them with what they "wanted", thus making Elemental magic the only magic the Masons can access. A gift right? WRONG! Their powers are uncontrollable, their emotions are the only way to access their powers. After much destruction, the family went into hiding, living on the quiet countryside in peace, practicing the art of meditation until...
The Embassy's assassin sector called the "Black Cloaks" discovers their location, and are summoned forth to "dispose" of the family...
That's all I'll say for now.
I can only focus on one manga/comic at a time as far as works are concerned. I get distracted WAY too easily, so working on two projects at once would be too extreme. ^ Must be a total artistic bad ass!
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