
Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
So who here has a steam account and plays a bunch of games to occupy their time?
I do, when I get the chance. What game is everything playing right now (preferably on steam so I can add you)
SteamID: [~ED~]Shadowdemonx9

rawrriceball @rawrriceball
commented on
rawrriceball @rawrriceball
RawrRiceball is my SteamName.
I'm just breezing through the YS games because I'm entirly new to them.

Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
commented on
Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
Awesome, I'll add you in a bit.

MrDevious @mrdevious
commented on
MrDevious @mrdevious
Mr_Devious on steam, I've been building my PC collection since deciding to focus on PC. Consoles got a bit boring :P

Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
commented on
Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
Yess...welcome to the PC Master Race +_+

Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
commented on
Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
I cant find Mr_Devious on steam. I can find a lot of MrDevious's on steam though x>X...Which one to choose ah D=

MrDevious @mrdevious
commented on
MrDevious @mrdevious
Just changed it, I was a bit annoyed by the amount of people with my name, now it's: NikoDevi

Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
commented on
Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
Alright, added. Also I see your favorite game is F.E.A.R. =D Aeria games is making a F.E.A.R Online game and beta applications are open now if you wanna submit one. I wanna know how they're gonna make it multiplayer and keep it horror.

♥ ½ M @fudozen
commented on
♥ ½ M @fudozen
My name on steam is xDee if anyone wants to play some games.

manga_man359 @manga_man359
commented on
manga_man359 @manga_man359
My computer bernt up literally but as dune as I get a new one my name on steam is chaoscrac
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