The underbelly of Japanese Society

reinierespa @reinierespa
The underbelly of Japanese Society
reinierespa @reinierespa
What do you guys feel about Japanese societal problems?

magnaroma @magnaroma
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The underbelly of Japanese Society
magnaroma @magnaroma
Japanese society is currently the problem, the majority of the population is in a self destroying rut of no social interaction. They look down upon anyone who is not a business man work themselves near death then proceed to engage in clandestine activities. To quote a friend of mine who lives in japan about their social life "The japanese don't have friends, they have business associates. Thats about the way their married lives are not even lives. They see their SO maybe once a month, and have sex maybe one a year. The only people with social interaction are the ones they say are destroying japanese culture. The Yakuza, Otaku's Yankees.." Really the current generation of japanese are harming their country thoroughly.

raven26 @raven26
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The underbelly of Japanese Society
raven26 @raven26
Japan does have a fair number of social problems, the biggest of which is, as noted above, a breakdown in socialization. It happens, but most of the time it's focused on business relationships. Japan's economy is just starting to restart itself and most people don't do a lot of get-togethers because they can't afford it.
Gender issues are another huge one, but it is (slowly) changing.
Most of my friends here believe that as the economy improves, so will the socialization and population issues. I certainly hope they're right. Japan's predicted to lose 66% of its population over the next century.

magnaroma @magnaroma
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The underbelly of Japanese Society
magnaroma @magnaroma
I don't see much of japan changing unless they are hit with a major economic depression a political revolution or a major loss in a war.

Strawberry_soda @strawberry_soda
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The underbelly of Japanese Society
Strawberry_soda @strawberry_soda
Japan actually has a negative birth rate and has the least amount of teenagers than any other country in the world. I think it's in about 20 years Japan's population will be cut in half.

reinierespa @reinierespa
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The underbelly of Japanese Society
reinierespa @reinierespa
I heard the loss in population is due to the less dating among the younger generation. Also Vice did a nice small video about some of the reasons cause of this.

wingeater @wingeater
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The underbelly of Japanese Society
wingeater @wingeater
Wow...I guess I was really naive to what it was like in Japan. It's really interesting to see the info you guys are putting out. 66% population decline over a hundred years is nuts!

xueli @xueli
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The underbelly of Japanese Society
xueli @xueli
I can kinda see that. Babies being hella expensive as it is coupled with having to take care of your parents, and all that in an economy that's been stagnant for decades while having one of the highest costs of living. I'd put off having kids too

Konigin Von Prussia @koniginvonpreussen
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The underbelly of Japanese Society
Konigin Von Prussia @koniginvonpreussen
I hear about the strenuous work hours they have over there. I used to work in a hotel in Dallas and I had a colleague who lived in Japan for 15 years and said one of the biggest problems he saw was how much they worked. He talked about a girl who worked at a 24 hr fast food joint and would work 16 hrs a day 7 days a week and no holidays for very cheap pay. O.O crazy stuff.

reinierespa @reinierespa
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The underbelly of Japanese Society
reinierespa @reinierespa
Work is viewed differentially in Japan. If you work you are expected to work as hard as possible and as long as possible.
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