Have you noticed?.

kuroikokoro @kuroikokoro
Have you noticed?.
kuroikokoro @kuroikokoro
So much teen's want suicide. 'cause why?
'cause they have flowing water, hourly meals, and a warm bed´?
Look at the people, who never see a thing like Tv, or things like that.
This topic is a very serious one, ore better: Some people know how to deal with this topic, others do not.
If you never had any experiences or anything like that, go away. [Oh dear, look, i'm socially.]
I don't know how people react to this Thread, so i relax and see what happens.
Btw.: Write what you think of it.
x, KuroiKokoro.
[My English grammar is not the best, so if you find mistakes .. don't judge me.]

-.- @ooreikaoo
commented on
Have you noticed?.
-.- @ooreikaoo
I get what this person is saying!
TVs = causes teenage suicide

kuroikokoro @kuroikokoro
commented on
Have you noticed?.
kuroikokoro @kuroikokoro
Sometimes, my palm isn't enough, i used also a wall. But wayne.~ I accept your opinion.

Pawlitics @pawlitics
commented on
Have you noticed?.
Pawlitics @pawlitics
It's been scientifically proven that the better off a person's life is the more they want to off themselves. According to Durkheim (a famous sociologist), single rich white males with a good education and little religious ties have the highest risk of suicide. Those kinds of people are suicidal because they can never be happy and find a purpose for themselves.
I don't necessarily agree or disagree with that ideal and my opinions vary case by case, but it's what I've been taught.
(If it helps to put it in Japanese, I don't know much and my grammar is bad but: いのちの目的を知らない人は自殺欲しいと思います。 )

zerotooohero @zero_onimatsu
commented on
Have you noticed?.
zerotooohero @zero_onimatsu
Really I thought she meant people who don't have tv don't commit suicide

cill @cill
commented on
Have you noticed?.
cill @cill
For my opinion, people who commit suicide are those who they think their dead end will not change at all. We can't blame this act because this is a choice they made.
Suicide is commit because of many situations. I mean : It depends for each person's life.
So we can't talk about it in a global case.
I think we need to do is to turn thought into a positive one. We don't need to be afraid to resume our own life to the beggining. Some things can't change but we can change the end of our life.
their familly, their friends or anybody who have a relation to this kind of person must support him. If this person can tell his problem to another, it can reduce the chance to commit suicide. Though, many of them don't understand their real problem...this is the hard thing to find.
Voila ! That is my opinion.

kuroikokoro @kuroikokoro
commented on
Have you noticed?.
kuroikokoro @kuroikokoro
Thx for your comments.

Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
commented on
Have you noticed?.
Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
Depends on the person, some use it as an excuse to seek a lot of attention from people. Others have an actual problem and want to be rid of the troubles they have while living, thinking that "ending it all" will make things easier since they wont have to deal with what they're dealing with now.
But the truth is no one happens when you die except that the person that we know now is no longer there.
I just tell them they have more to live for alive than in a hole in the ground. Because at least they know they made a future for themselves. Rather than taking the easy way out and hurting a lot more people by killing themselves than they realize, because sometimes the vision of people that want to commit suicide are askew and think that no one really notices their existence.
Some people just need more love than others.

M u g i ❤ @stellalina
commented on
Have you noticed?.
M u g i ❤ @stellalina
Well Kuro most teens don't want to suicide out of no where just bcause they became teens. It usually is something that has begin before teenage hood in younger years? Also are you trying to say that all you need to do is provide a child or teen with Tv, Food, A roof above there heads and a bed to sleep in for them to be truly happy? What if they have all that and they still get name called there parents hate them or only keep them for benefits or hit them abuse them mentally physically sexually? BUT still provide the tv, the food, the bed, the roof? Do you think they are not going to want to suicide? All that stuff is empty shit, A tv can't make you happy you can only drown out your pain by using it as a method of escaping or literally ' brainwashing ' to make you think your happy, The bed some people even call the FLOOR a bed not all parents give there children and actual bed, The roof above there head is more like a cage to them more then anything espeically if the parents are keeping them out of reaping benefits and money for themselves not for the kid or teen also what if they want freedom and there parent denies any type of going out or even having fun with friends or playing a sport out or anything they lock up your in ur room with ur tv, with ur bed, with ur roof above your head? you think they aren't going to want to suicide? Looking out a window wanting to be normal and play like other kids or just have the freedom to go out and not have to pretend that they arem't okay? Do you even understand what your saying? It really irritates me because I had to go threw a really hard childhood and teenagehood and the fucking t.v, computer, food, roof it isn't enough to nuture a child, You can't throw them in there rooms give them all that and expect that they will turn up fine? Those are just material things, what is needed above all is love. And alot of teens and children don't get that, but they sure get the t.v and the computer and the roof above there head. Yeah but that isn't what we really want, and most suicide because they loose value in life itself. What are you suppose to gain from drowining yourself senselessly in a t.v or computer or sleeping in bed or eating food? Your nuturing your physical body but the mental self is not being nutured and is in pain and is not healthy. What is the point of having a healthy body if your mind isn't even a healthy place?
Try to think a little about it. And yes there are people worst off. But when it comes to suicide most don't think about anyone else but themselves because its the choice of ending your own life not anyone elses so of course natrually no one else matters but ending the pain you feel yourself. Most teens are smart enough to cling to life with the thought of others. That usually stops them. But sometimes that alone isn't enough to stop someone.

-.- @ooreikaoo
commented on
Have you noticed?.
-.- @ooreikaoo
^ Dont listen to her... my computer and tv gives me PLENTY of love..
Its painful at times , what with the High Voltage electricity coursing through my body... but thats just how tough love works!
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