Best/fav Boss You ever faught ?

blackxchaos @blackxchaos
Best/fav Boss You ever faught ?
blackxchaos @blackxchaos
mine would be...
scarlet from silent hill homecomming , fear from mgs , jack norman from Resident Evil Revelations and also that big guy on a wealed chair in silent hill downpour in the big prison xD

blackxchaos @blackxchaos
commented on
Best/fav Boss You ever faught ?
blackxchaos @blackxchaos
alsoooooooo -sigh forgot his name- the afro headed ghost from fatal frame who obviously you couldnt touch xD

Aka-san @redhawk
commented on
Best/fav Boss You ever faught ?
Aka-san @redhawk
Hmmm that's hard, but I'm gonna say:
BLUE from Pokemon Red/Blue Version(your rival that was always one step ahead of you and was an epic twist when you finally beat the elite 4, and find out that he's the Champion and the last trainer you face before you beat the story)
Grigori from Dragons Dogma(such an awesome boss fight, and how fighting dragons should be done lol)
The Necromancer from Castlecrashers(played with my brothers, and had an awesome battle theme when facing him)
That's all I can think about at the moment lol XD

blackxchaos @blackxchaos
commented on
Best/fav Boss You ever faught ?
blackxchaos @blackxchaos
@Carlos-RedHawk hey do you remember supersmash brawl xD ? one part of the game series had it last boss as a big glove xD C

Aka-san @redhawk
commented on
Best/fav Boss You ever faught ?
Aka-san @redhawk
Oh yea I forgot about him, haha love SuperSmash, can't wait for the next game so I can play as Megaman XD

blackxchaos @blackxchaos
commented on
Best/fav Boss You ever faught ?
blackxchaos @blackxchaos
@Carlos-RedHawk tbh i think its soo much better than all stars , i liked the one with snake xD he is 2 cute when he hides in a box and iits just soo obvious thats he is there xD

xingthecrow @xingthecrow
commented on
Best/fav Boss You ever faught ?
xingthecrow @xingthecrow
Dark Alessa - Silent Hill 3
Jubileus - Bayonetta
Elizabeth - Persona 3
Every boss battle - Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island

blackxchaos @blackxchaos
commented on
Best/fav Boss You ever faught ?
blackxchaos @blackxchaos
@xingthecrow awesome !
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