Does anyone live in england?

absolute territory @pandarae
Does anyone live in england?
absolute territory @pandarae
I'd like to get to know some otakus who live closer than me because I can never find anyone to hang around with that I hhave things in common with in my area, you know?
I usually have to stick with skype friendships (which I love don't get me wrong) but I just think it would be nice to get out of the house every once in a while.

absolute territory @pandarae
commented on
Does anyone live in england?
absolute territory @pandarae
Also I guess a real introduction is in order too~
My name is Rayven, I'm really open, I'm a mediocre artist, I love getting to know all kinds of people and building friendships etc. I play a wide range of instruments and I also sing.
Likes: Icecream, sweets, plushies, anime, games, drawing, singing, social media.
Dislikes: Close minded people, spicy food.

mystic_angel16 @mystic_angel16
commented on
Does anyone live in england?
mystic_angel16 @mystic_angel16
welcome to the site! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
hope you'll make many friends here and cool name (≧∇≦)

absolute territory @pandarae
commented on
Does anyone live in england?
absolute territory @pandarae
Thank you~ ;w;

mystic_angel16 @mystic_angel16
commented on
Does anyone live in england?
mystic_angel16 @mystic_angel16
no problem ^~^v

blackmage @blackmage
commented on
Does anyone live in england?
blackmage @blackmage
Hey Rayven and cool another one from Europe! :) and welcome I hope you will find many good friends here!
Nice you play instrument, me myself have a huge love for music as well! :D

absolute territory @pandarae
commented on
Does anyone live in england?
absolute territory @pandarae
Thank you~ ! Music is one of my biggest loves (next to anime ofcourse).

xShiroy @shiroy
commented on
Does anyone live in england?
xShiroy @shiroy
Iyur! and yus I live in England :3

absolute territory @pandarae
commented on
Does anyone live in england?
absolute territory @pandarae
Yay~ Another person from England!

LaLa_chan13 @lala_chan13
commented on
Does anyone live in england?
LaLa_chan13 @lala_chan13
I don't live in England, but I have family that live in Cambridge. ^-^
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