Consider the following: Star Ocean

goldenkeyblade @goldenkeyblade
Consider the following: Star Ocean
goldenkeyblade @goldenkeyblade
Till the end of time and the last hope are freakin awesome games. i logged at least 100 hours on each (per playthrough) and i still go back and play from time to time.
but alas, i've never met anyone who has heard of, much less played either.

samuraix0xbunny @samuraixxbunny
commented on
Consider the following: Star Ocean
samuraix0xbunny @samuraixxbunny
i have heard of it sounds awesome, its like a mix btw final fantasy and tales game series :3

Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
commented on
Consider the following: Star Ocean
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
I've played and beat both.
As a matter of fact, Star Ocean Second Story is the 1st RPG I ever played

timmonsxp @timmonsxp
commented on
Consider the following: Star Ocean
timmonsxp @timmonsxp
There both really good. The only thing that I did not like is the Monster completion data. How you had to save your game before a boss and re beat the boss like 5 times to get 100%. It was annoying. Other than that they are both REALLY good.

xingthecrow @xingthecrow
commented on
Consider the following: Star Ocean
xingthecrow @xingthecrow
I love Till the End of Time especially. It'll give any completionist a hard-on. Them trophies, man.
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