Pretty Girls~
Dalton_Dark Prince @dalton
Pretty Girls~
Dalton_Dark Prince @dalton
You can vote for some pretty girls to win a contest here c: Most specifically one of my friends so help out if you can.
kidpool @kidpool
commented on
Pretty Girls~
kidpool @kidpool
When I look at the link I suspect when someone clicks it it AUTO gives a vote
to one specific girl.
Dont be a fucking dick and force people into voting for someone.
Dalton_Dark Prince @dalton
commented on
Pretty Girls~
Dalton_Dark Prince @dalton
It doesn't auto vote dickbag. It just went straight to her page so you saw her first. You have to click the VOTE button dumbass. Don't call me a dick if you didn't even go on the site.
kidpool @kidpool
commented on
Pretty Girls~
kidpool @kidpool
Dickbag? Says the emo fag. Go fuck yourself and those little trash whores of yours.
Dalton_Dark Prince @dalton
commented on
Pretty Girls~
Dalton_Dark Prince @dalton
I'm just a normal guy, but you're an asshole. That's just a contest I was spreading around for my friend, because she wanted to win. All your qualms are unfounded, so you're an asshole. Alright? Do you understand how the world works. Now if I that was an autovote thing, you could call me a dick all you want, because you'd be right, but you're not right, so not only did you judge me without even testing it, but you're a jerk. Nothing you've said is of value to anything anywhere. I did nothing wrong at all, in the random section of a forum. That's right the RANDOM FORUM. Don't be a naïve asshole. I'm positive this isn't even how you normally act.
kidpool @kidpool
commented on
Pretty Girls~
kidpool @kidpool
"I'm just a normal guy, but you're an asshole." yeah because calling others assholes does totally not make you one yourself, does it. Asshole.
Dalton_Dark Prince @dalton
commented on
Pretty Girls~
Dalton_Dark Prince @dalton
If you're rude to me for no reason, then I will be too. That's basic logic. It's hard for me to fathom that you can't actually pick up on that. You're sitting here being a jerk to me, for no reason at all. So of course that makes you an asshole. You accused me of something I didn't do, so honestly you should apologize, because it's obvious that I've done nothing wrong.
kidpool @kidpool
commented on
Pretty Girls~
kidpool @kidpool
apologize..... on the internet?
You dream big kid.
:') Also... you SERIOUSLY FUCKING think I will ever apologize to a little dipshit who has called me a dickbag and an asshole. Naive hypocrit asshole.
Calling me shit and then expecting me to say sorry. Go back to your fucking planet.
borsty24 @borsty24
commented on
Pretty Girls~
borsty24 @borsty24
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
kidpool @kidpool
commented on
Pretty Girls~
kidpool @kidpool
Borsty... why thank you
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