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What is Love?

Sep 14, 11 at 10:39am
love is what you make of it. Simple in it's explanation, yet incredibly complex in deciphering it's underlying meaning
Sep 21, 11 at 2:25am
Love is word that gets use by alot and its pain for thing. For me; i had bad relationship and the price was my heart got heart really bad. So i close myself from all girls and never try making moves on them no more or the other way around.
Love itself is just a word so I guess if you're asking then it's whatever.... Now if you're asking about what it *means* then all I can say is this...*love* is the ultimate hypocracy; the most selfish and selfless thing I can thing of and somethng that if you've ever really been in love is pretty addicting and prone to making you do stupid things. Of course there are degrees of love same as anything else but I assume you mean *that* kinda love. For me it's the kind that stops you dead in your tracks and all you want is to be with that special person...to whom you would do just about anything for...even let her/him go if she /he stopped loving you.... It's a very painful feeling really but so filling too but the truth is you'll know when you know, well you might not know but your *heart* will, or your body...Point is while you *might* know the rest of you *will* know. That's love...at least it was for me. I don't fall in love much and up till now it's only happened twice though the first time I didn't know it till years later and the second she walked away. Love sucks and love rules; love is love....and it's just too much for words and people say it too easily....If you're not sure don't say it. Don't just be all half assed about it...then again I guess that applies to just about everything.
... Tough one...
Love is wanting happiness for the one you love. Whether it be with you or someone else, as long as they achieve happiness then everything else doesn't matter.
Love is indefinable because it can be displayed and experience in so many different ways. With that said be honest with each other and open. Tell each other how you want to experience it. Honestly if you want it to be like a fav anime talk it over once you are together and make it happen for each other. You may have take turns since each otaku has different fantasies and concept of love. But we are all otaku and we different from everyone else. Cheers
Nov 11, 11 at 6:22pm
love is a emotion that comes from the heart.so it is when you have true genuine feelings for someone and can open up to that person and know they care .
Nice definition briblood!
Dec 18, 11 at 4:32pm
i dont know when you not there, i give you my love but you dont care, what is right what is wrong give me your side. ~~What! is Love!
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