Any Hetalia Fans Out There?

amoria735 @amoria735
Any Hetalia Fans Out There?
amoria735 @amoria735
I love hetalia! :D

Shinichiko @shinichiko
commented on
Any Hetalia Fans Out There?
Shinichiko @shinichiko
I'm not completely caught up with the newest season, but I love what I've seen so far!

amoria735 @amoria735
commented on
Any Hetalia Fans Out There?
amoria735 @amoria735
Is there a newer season i dont know about? I feel as if there is and im going to be super sad if im missing out! And yeah hetalia is blamazing

Shinichiko @shinichiko
commented on
Any Hetalia Fans Out There?
Shinichiko @shinichiko
Maybe? I haven't heard anything other than A Beautiful World, but I could be mistaken :/

amoria735 @amoria735
commented on
Any Hetalia Fans Out There?
amoria735 @amoria735
Nyaaaa dangit! Netflix doesnt have it does it!? Why the cruelty!?

Shinichiko @shinichiko
commented on
Any Hetalia Fans Out There?
Shinichiko @shinichiko
Haha, I don't think so...I watch them on youtube or some streaming site.

amoria735 @amoria735
commented on
Any Hetalia Fans Out There?
amoria735 @amoria735
Lol I just saw it on is officially my enemy!
Like theres over 100 episodes where has my doitsu been!?

Shinichiko @shinichiko
commented on
Any Hetalia Fans Out There?
Shinichiko @shinichiko
Netflix is alright if you just begin a series, but normally they have crap otherwise :P Haha, Doitsu's been taking care of Italy's messes, like usual.

amoria735 @amoria735
commented on
Any Hetalia Fans Out There?
amoria735 @amoria735
Doitsu is my hero for taking care of that adorable airhead hahaha the pride of italy

LaLa_chan13 @lala_chan13
commented on
Any Hetalia Fans Out There?
LaLa_chan13 @lala_chan13
Hetalia is awesome. :3
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