World of Warcraft/Hearthstone

rawrriceball @rawrriceball
World of Warcraft/Hearthstone
rawrriceball @rawrriceball
I actually just got into Blizzard games, but I was just wondering if anyone plays both of these games. :D
I play on Kil'Jaeden by the way.

Fusore @fusore
commented on
World of Warcraft/Hearthstone
Fusore @fusore
Hi I do play World of Warcraft got a 571 boomkin on Crushridge

dragonrage @dragonrage
commented on
World of Warcraft/Hearthstone
dragonrage @dragonrage
I play warcraft too, been playing since beta >.> Half my guild found their spouse through it...

redkitty @redkitty
commented on
World of Warcraft/Hearthstone
redkitty @redkitty
I play World of Warcraft Don't have the time right now but ya.

crimsonnight @crimsonnight
commented on
World of Warcraft/Hearthstone
crimsonnight @crimsonnight
i play two i'm a pall tank don't have time to play with my job and all
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