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Dec 17, 13 at 4:30pm
Wow, coming home from work too see a nice soap opera; not necessarily my cup of tea, however, not boring either. xD Please, continue. *grabs a handful of kidpool's popcorn*
Dec 17, 13 at 4:48pm
Well I suppose that answers my question thoroughly, everyone has their own personality and opinions and act based upon those criteria. I'm not trying to "come at you swinging", just wanted to know why you acted the way you did, and now I know. Though I disagree about you being "respectful and cordial" but hey that's my opinion and you've said it yourself, you care less about me than a complete stranger, and I'm assuming that includes my opinion...or anyone else for that matter.
Dec 17, 13 at 4:50pm
90% of ppl in here didnt give 1 fuck but hey pass the popcorn
Dec 17, 13 at 4:52pm
Kettle or extra butter?
Karasu. You misunderstood me. If I illured you to thinking that I thought YOU were coming at me swinging, I apologize. I was referring to the mongrel. You've been nothing but respectful, hence why I respectfully addressed your question the way I did. But it as you said, I don't really care all that much in the long run. There are certain times in which I'll explain myself. One is when someone actually asks me. Especially in the manner that you did. Other times is when I'm misunderstood. That is something I can't stand. I hate it when I explain myself and somehow it's taken in a different way. miscommunication is the source of all fights, if you ask me, and I rather you understand me perfectly and hate me than hate me on a misconception.
Dec 17, 13 at 5:20pm
@kichigai, freaking at someone who was just saying to calm down and saying he was immature for it makes no sense. That would be the mature thing to do, not immature as you called it. Your reaction, however, was very immature. You can still be direct and straight forward but not abrasive. Saying that you WANT to be abrasive makes no sense. That is saying that you want to be overly aggressive. Now I posted on this thread before, so don't go freaking out on me for joining in on something I'm "not involved in." I agreed with the original point of this post in the fact that people need to stop harping on the negative. I see that you do not agree with Micheal, but it does not mean that you have to rip him completely apart. He obviously has his own issues with things. But hey, even if you would have just left it where you did, I probably wouldn't have said anything. The fact that you completely blew up when someone told you to calm down and then lost all semblance of maturity is what made ME speak up. Don't get mad at someone when they respond in a similar way that you addressed them with. And really, reverting to name calling? How can you even claim to be mature when you resort to that? And honestly? This is you being "respectful" and "cordial?" I'm not sure what you think those words mean, but it obviously isn't the same as what I know them to mean. And you know what? Zero NEVER came at you "swinging" until you came at him verbally so. YOU are the immature one here.
Dec 17, 13 at 5:27pm
I suppose I did misunderstand that portion of your response Kichigai. I don't hate you, I just don't understand your particular type of personality. Perhaps I may never understand, but hey, to each his own I suppose.
1 - When did I "freak" at 0? be specific. 2 - Michael, I ripped him apart? Seriously? I called him out on the whole "judgmental" thing. That's it. How did I rip Michael apart? if anything, he got off easy. 3 - my reaction being immature is your opinion. I agree that it's abrasive. I agree that it was more than enough to get my point across, but immature? no. immature is saying "shut the fuck up and get a life". Period. no debating. 4 - Like I said, I don't have to coddle your feelings. And unless I choose to, I'm not going to. 5 - What 0 did is the equivalent of adults playing a heated game of Poker and him coming in saying, "hey, you guys are taking this too serious. How bout we play scrabble!" It was stupid. It wasn't immature, just really, really stupid (to me, my opinion and all). 6 - I didn't make you do anything. You're doing this all on your own. 7 - I don't have to be mature 100% of the time. kinda the point of a troll. I never really went off on anyone. The only thing that I explained in a mature fashion was Karasu's question and now this one. My choice. But I never "went off" on anyone. Now, if you WANT me to go off on someone, I can. Is that what you want? This is what I mean. I'm the bad guy cause I openly admit that I don't and won't be as sensitive as you want me to. Somehow me not caring is a bad/negative thing. I don't get it. Also, I don't think that you (Alexis Lynn) is going off on me. Nor do I think you're freaking out or whatever. This is a conversation between 2+ people. We're allowed to disagree and we're allowed to make bold statements. For example, I think you are WHITE KNIGHTING something fierce right now. For what reason, I can't say, but dear god you're white knighting. And that's pathetic to me. Not that you white knighting is pathetic, but the fact that I now have 2 people trying to protect and justify 0's dumbass remarks as he's been silent ever since I told him to. At least he listened and knows better than to talk when grown-ups are talking.
Dec 17, 13 at 5:44pm
In short to wat kichigan said * Welcome to TrollOtaku* lol
@Karasu Cool. I get you, and Lynn. I'm not a nice person. I'm abrasive. Here's my question. Why is being abrasive a negative/bad thing? Why is being nice and sweet to everyone a good thing? I personally think people who are nice all the time are fake as hell. I think people now a days believe that conflict is a bad thing. It's not. Sometimes having conflicts is a good thing. conflicting ideas gives birth to new ideas and viewpoints. But I ask again, why is being abrasive frowned upon by you 2? (Alexis Lynn & Karasu)
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