Daily life of moe anime

kirikoyamada @kirikoyamada
Daily life of moe anime
kirikoyamada @kirikoyamada
Does anyone like the slice of life shows where nothing much happens, but it's super cute anyway?
I'm a fan of Non Non Biyori, and the Aria the Animation anime. Daily life in neo-Venice on Mars is really interesting, even when they are just out in gondolas most of the time.

Trash Ramen @exherokid
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Daily life of moe anime
Trash Ramen @exherokid
Yes! I love slice of life. I like Aria the art is nice esp in neo Venice. Genshiken, Acchi Kocchi, Clannad and etc. Unfortunately ibjust haven't had the time to watch them like I want to :'(

PK Thoron @julioelgamer
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Daily life of moe anime
PK Thoron @julioelgamer
I remember when my only anime friends where the kind of guys straight out from the shithole that is /a/ that bashed this genre at every single opportunity while I always loved it.
Anyways: I loved Kitakubu :p

ffftitans @ffftitans
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Daily life of moe anime
ffftitans @ffftitans
lol /a/ is genius, I love that shithole. Beats circle-jerking, which are 9/10 anime forums.
My favorite is Yuru Yuri. Akarin is my daughteru.

PK Thoron @julioelgamer
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Daily life of moe anime
PK Thoron @julioelgamer
I kinda enjoy /a/ on a ironical way, but I just can't take those guys seriously hahaha
Yuru Yuri is freakin' awesome too

ロイ @wallace614
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Daily life of moe anime
ロイ @wallace614
You mean like lucky star and the new ones like
Yuyushiki,wagnaria,the melancholy of haruhi syzumyia,yuri yuri and aiura. To be honest all of them are the same

ffftitans @ffftitans
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Daily life of moe anime
ffftitans @ffftitans
Yes, of course, they all happen to share the same genre after all.
...I wouldn't really put Haruhi up dere doe. And Yuru Yuri is...yuri.

fictionaldreams @fictionaldreams
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Daily life of moe anime
fictionaldreams @fictionaldreams
K-ON <3

PK Thoron @julioelgamer
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Daily life of moe anime
PK Thoron @julioelgamer
I was expecting Yuri in Yuru Yuri, only like 4 episodes have actual yuri :v

ffftitans @ffftitans
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Daily life of moe anime
ffftitans @ffftitans
Well it does mean Easy-Going Yuri after all. Just Yuri subcontext jokes.
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