
xxx @__removed_cherryblossom555
xxx @__removed_cherryblossom555
Flashback time =D! lol...Anyone else miss toonami >_<? I wish they would bring it back! If you watched it, what were some of your favorites on toonami? I also thought the openings were pretty cool XD

Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
commented on
Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
I liked the robot host Tom, even more so after they changed him up. Afternoons had Samurai Jack and Justice League while nighttime was voltron and other goodies. Good Stuff.

anarqe @anarqe
commented on
anarqe @anarqe
I have to Disagree toonamis best host ever has to be the original ... X the Eliminator, this was before even the Robot, Also who remembers Rising Sun on saturdays?

Emerald Revolver @outlawrenegade
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Emerald Revolver @outlawrenegade
Tom was great and the ship was awesome.Outlaw Star was my fav. i come after school every day to watch it.

Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
commented on
Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
@anarge: X the eliminator was never a toonami host. He's a villian in the Birdman cartoon, and shows up in Harvey Birdman: Attourny at Law (GREAT SHOW). I believe your thinking of Moltar. He was the host before the Tom robots got in there. He's cool but not charismatic like Tom. His voice has a deep "dont be in a room alone with me because I'm going to touch you" low creepy quality .

anarqe @anarqe
commented on
anarqe @anarqe
Was it moltar? It was... Its cause they just both look alike. But yeah that was the awesome one. I did love Blue Submarine 6 and GundamWin Endless waltz

FayelinnBlair @fayelinnblair
commented on
FayelinnBlair @fayelinnblair
Of course I miss it! They really messed up CN when they canceled Toonami. Does anyone else remember a show called ReBoot? By today's animation it's really corny but I loved the story line. I hear they are putting it on DVD.

Kronos @kronos
commented on
Kronos @kronos
ReBoot... that takes me back. I do miss Toonami and the Gundam anime (I forget which one, there's so many of them). They really should go back to it, but knowing network executives...

allaron @allaron
commented on
allaron @allaron
Oh wow I totally forgot about reboot. And yes cn was better when they had toonami dbz rocked the afternoons and ruroni kenshin and trigun blazed the night. Loved tenchi muyo and outlaw star aswell and I agree tom after the upgrade was awsome. And those lil annoying robots flying around were pretty funny. We should start a petition to bring it back I hate the new adult swim lineup....anime almost completly gone except for bleach inuyasha and keikkashi.

Armitage @armitage
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Armitage @armitage
Ronin Warriors... Mmm.
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