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love without attraction

She says it isn't anything changed she says some people she just doesn't have any attraction to.
Nov 15, 13 at 3:54pm
Well, I can empathize somewhat. I'm sure it's not an easy thing to tell someone you love and have a relationship with that you're not attracted to them anymore. It happens and I'm sure she's agonizing over it just as much as you are. Very few relationships maintain that intense attraction once you leave that honeymoon phase. I think you guys should sit down and have a serious open conversation as to what you both can do to get that spark back. Maybe it's just an issue of spicing things up in the bedroom or whatever. If not then, ya know, sometimes it's just not meant to be. But attraction's one of those things that I think is hard to get back if you've lost it completely
I can say that over the internet it is possible to be attracted to someones personality and not there actual physical self. She doesn't ' Love ' you, How can you love someone and not there physical self..? Saying she isn't attracted to your physical self itsn't only for sexual stuff it also means that if she were to kiss you or hold your hand or say ' Yeah she is my girlfriend ' she would be hesitant or not comfortable of doing these things or even EMBARRASSED of you being with her. If she cannot accept your physical self then what are you loving to? The spirit is in need of the shell, as long as your alive you and your body are stuck with each other. And someone who truly loves you can't take one and not the other, Its a package deal buddy. Not buts and no ands. You can not love someone if your not accepting of there physical self. The physical self might be a shell for our spirit but it is a part of us when we are here on earth and though we might have a beautiful personality/spriit but our shell/body is not as beautiful and someone is not willing to accept it as it is then they can't truly say they love you.
Yeah haha. We actually talked about it and found out she never had been attracted to me and I'm the only one who that's happened with. We broke up since she realized shes just possessive of me and just doesn't like me dating anyone. But she doesn't love me. Haha difficult situation! But that's how it is sometimes. It hurts but later on I'll be much happier with someone who can love everything about me. :)
Jan 06, 14 at 12:38pm
You can. I wasn't as much attracted to my ex physically as I was mentally. She enjoyed the same things I did, so I enjoyed her companionship. Now that I know she was a lying cheating whore it's a bit different, but she was the girl I would have liked to be with... Oh well.
well for me, i dont care how good looking you are, if you're a douche, i wont go out with you. i think..people rely on physical appearance too much. ive had my self-esteem get shot down many times in my life, and i know its a terrible feeling. finding someone who likes you for who you are is the important thing, otherwise they're not worth it. :/
Jan 24, 14 at 12:26am
My ex and I have the very same issue. he said he was not attracted to me ever and he was just into other girls more and those other girls excite him better. we broke up and my self esteem was below ground zero. i just didn't have what he was looking for in girls which was a mature look and a hot and sexy body. The issue was more of a physical thing. But they're right, how can you love a person or be with him or her without that excitement passion and attraction. you might as well be just friends because that in a relationship crap is just a blatant lie. Me and my ex are still good friends though.
Jan 24, 14 at 1:33am
This may come down to psychology and the way we are wired as animals (yes humans are still animals). Love for most people starts with some degree of lust and sexual desire. This is the drive for reproduction and is instinctual. After we have achieved our sexual conquest that thrill of the hunt is gone but lust remains. after a while if you have not taken the time to develop a strong bond with this person some people fall out of lust. Pick your self up, spend some time single learning to love yourself while being alone, Then set back out with the goal of finding someone to compliment your life and not complete it. Because this is an otaku e website here is a bit of information for you about Japan the home of Anime. Did you know that Japan has a dangerously low birthrate? This is caused by a different psychological condition caused by social and cultural conditions. While men and women have lust for the opposite sex the pressure placed on today's youth is so great to conform to expectations, they feel it is to much bother. Women are expected to have children, give up working, and stay at home losing most of the social interaction with friends they had. Men are expected to marry, Have children to carry on the family name, provide for the wife that no longer works and the children. Add on top of all this the fact that the Yen is so strong and the cost of living is so high, its simply easier to suppress the lustful urges and relationships never form. A growing number of Japanese release there lustful urges at host clubs, soap lands, one night stands, and with the sexual anime fantasy worlds. Never to know the comfort of a relationship or someone who loves them.
We can re-invent the love. We can change looks today! If we love someone else heart and love to stay together. If someone is with you because of lust, he will drop you when you get older. How lusty is the youth today? Muscle man that will just drop her for others anytime soon. (huge muscle is brutalization) What matters is how you feel after giving and sharing love with someone nice. Sex/visual inclinations can change over time. I talk too much. This has to do with kimikiss-pure rouge (kimikiss op) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kt-9olWKR_M (kimikiss ed) This yet make me cry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGZDDNghGmQ
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