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love without attraction

Is it possible to love someone and be in a relationship without any sort of sexual attraction to them? I'm a bit confused since my girlfriend just said she just can't be attracted to me but she does love me. Haha sort of kills the self esteem. XD Any thoughts on this? And maybe ways to fix the issue? I don't know... I could try losing weight and wearing make up for once...
Nov 14, 13 at 5:02pm
Girl she's crazy. Don't let it get you down.
I thought about her being asexual. But I figured since she said she's attracted to other people it wasn't that. Haha I'm fine with her being that way I'm just a bit worried since she says our relationship wont work out if I can't find a way to be attractive to her since she has a high sex drive. OxO
Maybe there's just more she wont tell me... we've had a very off and on relationship for three years now. I just hope this wont be something that breaks us up again. She doesn't like to talk about issues much. If I get upset over something even a little bit I'm considered over reacting so I try to not cause any conflict. Haha but it really is something that bugs me a bit since it really makes me feel really down about my own appearance. If she really is asexual then okay. I understand. But if not I wonder what I can do to fix it or just know the whole issue.
Nov 14, 13 at 8:38pm
I just got out of a situation like that a few months ago, almost the exact same situation. Best advice I got is to try your best to talk it out as far as you can and if that doesn't help or she simply refuses then best thing to do is maybe be friends and just move on :( I know it's a tough situation but there's no sense running yourself ragged trying to appeal to someone~
That's true. Leaving it as is is a definite no. I just hope it doesn't end up with having to be just friends.
Nov 14, 13 at 9:14pm
Best of luck to ya! Hope it works out for you!~
Nov 14, 13 at 10:33pm
Have you asked her if she knows exactly what has changed to cause her to lose attraction to you?
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