Batman Arkham Origins

heartattack133 @heartattack133
Batman Arkham Origins
heartattack133 @heartattack133
Hey has anyone tried Origins yet? Is it any good? post below!

vid30kidd @vid30kidd
commented on
Batman Arkham Origins
vid30kidd @vid30kidd
It's ok not really liking the story.

heartattack133 @heartattack133
commented on
Batman Arkham Origins
heartattack133 @heartattack133
Oh crap really???

vid30kidd @vid30kidd
commented on
Batman Arkham Origins
vid30kidd @vid30kidd
Yeah. Well the story isn't like horrible or anything I just don't like the whole assassin thing they are doing, but the gameplay is great. I like the gadgets they added, the multiplayer is ok kinda reminds me of playing GoW. overall its still good if you can get pass the story.

heartattack133 @heartattack133
commented on
Batman Arkham Origins
heartattack133 @heartattack133
Hmm i guess ill still pick up while its at its full 60 I guess any batman game is a fun game lol
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