Cali west side. WHOOP WHOOP XP

intellectual_idiot01 @intellectual_idiot01
Cali west side. WHOOP WHOOP XP
intellectual_idiot01 @intellectual_idiot01
Hey guys! What's happening? And otakus in Cali :3 ?? I have snacks ^O^

aletrev12 @aletrev12
commented on
Cali west side. WHOOP WHOOP XP
aletrev12 @aletrev12
Hey There I'm in cali as well add me? lets talk :D

corbiecawtastrophe @corbiecawtastrophe
commented on
Cali west side. WHOOP WHOOP XP
corbiecawtastrophe @corbiecawtastrophe
sooo hungry
i'm from ca too.. but i came for the snacks

Airi @airi
commented on
Cali west side. WHOOP WHOOP XP
Airi @airi
Did someone say snacks? :3

ffftitans @ffftitans
commented on
Cali west side. WHOOP WHOOP XP
ffftitans @ffftitans
Inland Empire here. Riverside county is best county. Who needs Hollywood or San Diego anyways.

Chris4L @chrisg4l
commented on
Cali west side. WHOOP WHOOP XP
Chris4L @chrisg4l
Whittier. There's nothing wrong with San Diego and Hollywood hahaha all of Cali is good

♥Mew Mew Berry♥ @pandy
commented on
Cali west side. WHOOP WHOOP XP
♥Mew Mew Berry♥ @pandy
What's up? : D i'm in OC! want to chat ^_^ ?

Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
commented on
Cali west side. WHOOP WHOOP XP
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
Family across the planet Homie.

TaylorHime @taylorhime
commented on
Cali west side. WHOOP WHOOP XP
TaylorHime @taylorhime
Bakersfield, CA reporting :)

ffftitans @ffftitans
commented on
Cali west side. WHOOP WHOOP XP
ffftitans @ffftitans
Who here's going to ALA?
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