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31 year old Male
Last online 12年以上 ago
My favorite would have to be art ^_^ Is there a certain period of history you're more interested in?
Hey, sorry about the late reply XD I'm a student right now ^_^ close to graduation, so I'm looking forward to new opportunities =) By the way, do you have a favorite or preferred subject?
Uru @uru left a comment for portalmaker
Mar 23, 11 at 10:17am
Gasp :o -wink nudge cough-lol oh im mia nice to meet ur pervertedness
Uru @uru left a comment for portalmaker
Mar 22, 11 at 10:17am
Lol but I'm so innocent don't rape my profile with ur dirtiness lol
Uru @uru left a comment for portalmaker
Mar 21, 11 at 9:46am
Eto it's nice to meet u and I'd like to talk more too :)
Yeah I can see where it would be helpful for those still looking for what they want to do (and maybe those who are set on something might take interest in something else).
That's actually a pretty good and relevant point...requiring everyone to study the same things, but those things won't necessarily help in the real world..very true unfortunately...but at least they decided to talk about it at your school so that's good...did you agree with some of it or..?
Yeah same thing, if it's the same recap, I just skip it...It's nice to have a refresher, but when it's the same one XD yeah...anyway, how've you been? Anything new?
Yeah I do that too sometimes to get a bit of a recap XD Lol speaking of recaps, do you notice sometimes when an anime uses the same repetitive recap for a series of episodes over and over >_<?
Lol have you ever really gotten into an anime, but then postponed it for a little while, and then had to remember what episode you were on XD?
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Apr 2-4