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Last online 6日 ago
Haruu @haruu left a comment for ロイ
Jul 30, 13 at 2:31pm
It's probably in one of my swim bags. -__-;; Ahah, I'll try. Although I put thing in out of impulse to see how it'll taste like sometimes so. >__>;; Oh really? That's pretty cool. .__. Your music is the only music I'll probably enjoy out of all the other Hispanic music styles. Both my parents are from Bolivia. It's funny actually, they were neighbors since birth. Not so interesting. XD My Spanish is fluent and I can read and write it. :3 I speak it at home with my parents, and I talk with my sister in English. c: Oh, but I don't know any of the slang or curse words soo. :/
I'm planning on making a Raven cosplay at some point I just don't when that will be.
Homestuck has crazy trolls with gray skin and candy corn horns and Hetalia is all the nations of the world they are two totally different things and the two groups normally do not get along and I just wish everyone would get along
Where I'm from Homestuck is mostly popular among high school kids so that is not surprising. Hetalia I cosplayed from that for a long time and I'm kind of happy that I gave it up because I had so much trouble making friends among the other cosplayers.
No actually Mindfang is only the 3rd female character I've cosplayed and enjoy being her just because my personality is rather similar to hers and I really like her outfit.
It's pretty big right now especially among those of us in high school and some people not in high school. The whole story centers around a boy named John Egbert. Mindfang is in the story of the ancestors and she isn't the nicest troll you'll ever meet.
I do actually I normally cosplay characters that aren't normally viewed as the good guys. One of my most famous cosplays is Marquise Spinneret Mindfang from Homestuck.
My name is Christina. My favorite genre of anime, books, and manga is horror. I also write horror stories, short stories, and poetry.
Jul 29, 13 at 8:56pm
mmmmm a bit sleepy will go to sleep early And try to reply to any comment in all the threads I been participating as soon as I get up
No but I plan to at some point