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Kiyomi x Metalcore.

Wonderland, GA
Oct 04, 10 at 4:24pm
Hey just trying to meet and get to know a few people soo yeah how are you? Btw great taste in music among other things
Fla5h @fla5h left a comment for Kiyomi x Metalcore.
Oct 03, 10 at 6:23pm
lol yea, already one step ahead of you on the Gorillaz album. I see you like poetry! Do you write any yourself?? Btw, I like your definition of a broad
Fla5h @fla5h left a comment for Kiyomi x Metalcore.
Oct 03, 10 at 6:42am
Hey! thanks so much for the add. Loved the profile, your very talented with the drawings. Oh, btw! Linkin park rules ;) and i thought i was the only one still rocking Gorillaz!!!
Oct 01, 10 at 7:45pm
Hey don't you owe me like twenty dollars?
why that u. :D
Azaki @azaki left a comment for Kiyomi x Metalcore.
Sep 29, 10 at 12:01am
ok i found it and i added u.
Azaki @azaki left a comment for Kiyomi x Metalcore.
Sep 28, 10 at 11:29pm
Wow im playin the same games rite now myself. Yea i gotta a msn just gotta find out what my password was again lol.
i have a PS3 but i play COD, Wet, Final Fantasy, Heavy Rain,i love 1st person shooter, some RPG well a lot and fighting games.
Azaki @azaki left a comment for Kiyomi x Metalcore.
Sep 28, 10 at 3:50am
Lucky u my break's ending tomorrow. Btw what games are u playin on the PS3?
what other hoilday allows you to wear a costume(out side of cons) and pass out free candy :D soo what kind of games do play?
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