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That Uke

xdarkcloud @xdarkcloud left a comment for That Uke
Jul 29, 14 at 8:30pm
Haha..it's fine, i'll send you the request next time I get on. Well it might be better but it's not right, so rest assured that I will not ignore you while playing with you =^.^=
xdarkcloud @xdarkcloud left a comment for That Uke
Jul 28, 14 at 2:03am
Haha..I feel flattered now! and i'll probably be on tomorrow the 28th cause I got the day off, yay! and no worries, I sometimes engrossed myself too much in a game that I forget the person I'm talking to ^_^¡
xdarkcloud @xdarkcloud left a comment for That Uke
Jul 27, 14 at 10:03am
That's good to know and thanks, my grandfather from my dad's part was japanese, so my full name is Junji Ishida, weird right!. Ps. My Xbox acct is PANDOR4'S H3ART, add me so can play sometime ^_^
xdarkcloud @xdarkcloud left a comment for That Uke
Jul 23, 14 at 3:01pm
I should be the one thanking you, for not getting mad! so thank you ^_^ and trust me, I know the pain of people calling you other names for the same reason! (e.g. Jumanji instead of Junji) but I'm used to it haha.
luciendar2k @luciendar2k left a comment for That Uke
Jul 21, 14 at 10:52am
Hey whats up
xdarkcloud @xdarkcloud left a comment for That Uke
Jul 18, 14 at 12:44am
What!?? I thought you were a guy all this time! lol (_T_)...I'm surprised at how dense I can be sometimes! well that would would explain why you watch Sailor Moon and I've never heard that name before, it's pretty =)
xdarkcloud @xdarkcloud left a comment for That Uke
Jul 13, 14 at 11:30pm
That's good! ^_^ and haha he is, he reminds me of those Highs cool guys, who would kneel for attention. Btw I've been meaning to ask you what's your real name? Ps. what series are you currently watching? besides Sailor Moon.
xdarkcloud @xdarkcloud left a comment for That Uke
Jul 10, 14 at 10:00am
what's up Uke! what is it that you have been plotting against naruto now, huh? Btw sorry that I cutted you off last time we were talking and hope I didn't offended you by that. '.'
xdarkcloud @xdarkcloud left a comment for That Uke
Jul 07, 14 at 1:08am
that's cool! i'll check it out but i have to go later :D
xdarkcloud @xdarkcloud left a comment for That Uke
Jul 07, 14 at 12:35am
I'm good but really bored ύ.ὺ just trying to find people to chat with! how about you?