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Summer @summer left a comment for SoulRebirth
Jan 19, 10 at 10:57pm
I've heard of Birth By Sleep! D: And I'm on the mailing list for Japanvideogames, and thats when I first saw a pic of the game or something. ;; WANT. D: But if its for a play station console, I'll be in trouble. ;^;<br>Yes, i lost interest in him completely, and just wished for his death. ;P <br>Gaara is totally my favorite character. :D Its his Birthday Today so I've been celebrating. I even wore my Hidden Leaf headband to school today. XD I wore it on my waist and hid it though. >.> And I wore my Gaara keychain as a necklace, and a Gaara pin my brother made me. xD I have but ONE anime friend in real life, and shes a Gaara fan too so in class today we spazzed out singing happy birthday. x.x;
Summer @summer left a comment for SoulRebirth
Jan 19, 10 at 10:37pm
I can't believe how amazing KH is! I can't even take the amazing-ness, but yet I do anyways. XD<br> I agree its tough. :\ But I always was an L fan. I liked Light for his ideas, I just stopped liking him after he lost his cool and went insane. xD
Summer @summer left a comment for SoulRebirth
Jan 19, 10 at 10:32pm
:D Naruto and Death Note and Kindgom Hearts are some of the the best things. *-* So then, L or Light? xD
Summer @summer left a comment for SoulRebirth
Jan 19, 10 at 10:20pm
Hey, thanks for the request. :] Your 'About Me' is really cool, I can relate to it. ^^