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Dec 03, 12 at 5:48am
Tell me about it... I can't go anywhere without hearing someone sniffle... Yeah that show is just insane. Keeps you thinking. So what's new with you?
Dec 02, 12 at 11:33am
I am from New York City. I think I am starting to get a cold... unfortunately. Actually I didn't go to the con we had in October ended up going to Orlando with some friends for a small getaway. Lately I have been trying to catch up with the TV show American Horror Story on Netflix and it is freakin intense.
Dec 01, 12 at 9:54pm
Hey there! What's up? Been to any cons in NYC recently?
I'm sorry it ended badly between you two :( sometimes shit like that happens and it sucks.. a lot. but there's still hope! i can guarantee
LOL well this is silly I can't seem to put my words together. I guess is because even though we understand each other or think alike. We don't act the same way. Not to mention are feelings are different it seems. My guide and this person are the same. I have no family in Canada. I once thought of exploring Canada it was my last choice in the list of places to visit. It became my first after meeting this person. I guess it was an attempt to spice up my life if you know what I mean. I understand that feeling of being stuck in a rut. I should probably not talk to you about this. I maybe saying too much. Anyway forget I said anything. All I wanted was to make sure you became another of friends. She's needs people to stand by side.
vavoom @vavoom left a comment for EndlessKnight
Nov 28, 12 at 12:22am
That's amazing you've found someone who understands you, and vice versa. To be at that level in a short amount of time ^^ ..wishing to find a person like that, someday ~ And that's pretty devastating you lost your guide. Do you have family in Canada? Hopefully things will work out the next time. I'm doing alright, just feeling a little down in the dumps.. I feel as though I'm stuck in a rut. Need to spice up my routine somehow.
Fail guess you can't do it on this website. Too bad.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/IoFI25MlexQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I am going to test this see if it will embed in this site. Wish me luck. ^_^ <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/IoFI25MlexQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
vavoom @vavoom left a comment for EndlessKnight
Nov 26, 12 at 5:04pm
Oh, I thought perhaps you knew her personally and moved. Seems like the two of you are very good friends, well it is the impression I am getting^^ Yes, she was telling me about her skit idea for Anime North ~ Hopefully I'll be able to attend and meet with her c: And perhaps participate in her skit, but I have never done so and am always late on the first day ;w; Well, since we are talking and sorta getting to know each other, how are you? ^^
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