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Akullen @akullen left a comment for Locked.
Dec 12, 12 at 2:56pm
Ouch, what type?
Akullen @akullen left a comment for Locked.
Dec 12, 12 at 2:49pm
Hey man hows things going?
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xueli @xueli left a comment for Locked.
Dec 10, 12 at 9:36pm
Taiwan is cool, don't go in the summertime cause it's hot as fuck and crazy humid. I eat a lot of fruit when I go back because it's so much fresher and bigger than fruit we get here.
xueli @xueli left a comment for Locked.
Dec 10, 12 at 6:45pm
My family is from Taiwan thus the traditional characters :) I'm the first one to be born in the US but my parents sent me to Taiwan when I was little for a while thus the ESL. To say you have taken chinese lessons would be like, 我有學過中文。 If you say, 我是在學中文了。 It's saying that you're still learning chinese
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xueli @xueli left a comment for Locked.
Dec 10, 12 at 4:26pm
I speak mandarin fluently and read traditional. hahaha I know some simplify characters but they're so... simple so it's weird for me. :P 你好,我的名之是喻學理。你是在學中文嗎?
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