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31 year old Nonbinary
Last online 2年弱 ago
sapphireyes @sapphireyes left a comment for lepi
Oct 28, 12 at 2:34pm
oh you have really great taste I saw that before it's very good.
NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes left a comment for lepi
Oct 28, 12 at 2:27pm
Yeah the persona games were awesome.. Ib is also pretty cool. It's kinda creepy playing the game at night. I couldn't tell you how many times i got lost in that museum. My favorite character in the game is Mary.
sapphireyes @sapphireyes left a comment for lepi
Oct 28, 12 at 12:21pm
same lol do you have a favorite?
Bri-Kun @raz left a comment for lepi
Oct 28, 12 at 8:32am
No won't be able to make it. I typically stick to Wisconsin-cons and Ohayocon. You can always drive up and we can go to an indoor waterpark or something or just wait for Six Flags to open up next Summer in Illinois heheh.. that would be the half-way meeting point^__^' epicz
zalrau @zalrau left a comment for lepi
Oct 28, 12 at 7:17am
Awesome hair btw heh
Henagata @henagata left a comment for lepi
Oct 28, 12 at 12:49am
What's Ib? Also you look a lot better trying to be cute then tough with that hair IMO.
ronined @ronined left a comment for lepi
Oct 27, 12 at 10:25pm
What color of green are you now then? :p
WolfraverTerra @wolfterra left a comment for lepi
Oct 27, 12 at 10:21pm
Awww... You made the wolf sad inside... :(
Arthur Cures @alice_kills left a comment for lepi
Oct 27, 12 at 10:17pm
LuCkY! i'm nOt gOiNg tO A CoNvEnTiOn fOr aNoThEr 7 mOnThS. :O( bUt i jUsT CaMe bAcK FrOm rEaLmScOn sO ThAt mAkEs uP FoR It. I HoPe yOu hAvE LoTs oF FuN AnD MeEt lOtS Of hOmEsTuCkS. :O)
エックザック @ekkuzakku left a comment for lepi
Oct 27, 12 at 10:14pm
I figured you'd want to cosplay Gumi with that green hair lmao XD
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