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Kodoku na Doutei

37 year old Male
Last online 5年以上 ago
yeah welll i was waiting for you and trying to make a decision on love right now its COPlicated (lol) but i dont know rather to stay single or be this guys girlfriend without talking or giving other guys a chance you know?=/ im in a pickle =/ i really like the guy alot he makes me happy but i dont know like once i make up my mind i comited fully sooo it a life decision im making like marriage because you never know i could be his girlfriend for a few months or for a few years or even just weeks you know? =/
meow =^-^=~ @meow left a comment for Kodoku na Doutei
Mar 11, 13 at 1:56pm
Just read your top status by your name! I love that movie! :) Were you able to watch it in 3D?
lol well i dont like to play games well mind games anyways ^^ on the whole sex subjects i always been open on sex with guys because it such an easy topic why lie about something of sex?i think it stupid as for the guessing games i dont do that either ill just tell ur ass when im in the mood u dont have to guess if im in the mood or not when it comes to sex i tell u anything and anything u want to hear but of course with feelings behind it ^-^ but yeah im not shy about it sooooooooo....yup xD
i thinlk it a good movie...lol i NEVER had that in common with a guy before =)im starting to like ya now x3 and im starting to love this site more and more L=
seriously dude the whole status you got going on"for who could ever love a beast?" dude i love bell shes like my fave disney princess!!!shes such a bookworm and a fantasy lover and wants freedom rights and has a good heart who falls for someone not for their looks but for who they are its a nice movie my fave too ^-^
yes i love wolfs rain!!!ahhh the ending song!!omg<33333 and the ending omg...>.> its such a tear jerker!! and the blood and action and thrills and betrayal omg every character has a role everyone it not the "this person stays in for background reason" kind of type anime everyone has a tie in everyone has a different ending!different stories and ways it so awesome dude!!ahhh good anime i know alot of good anime but wolfs rain omg...i got all their music of my laptop lol i dowload songs from anime i know geeky huh?^^" lol it still one of the animes i rewatch over..and over after a while its just that good.
lol its a great masterpiece and it my favorite game im a big wolf and dog lover ^w^ cats they just smell really bad and when they pee on things you have to throw it away i live close to an old couple and they have 34 cats!Dx the smeelll argh when u drive by the place the smell goes thur the air vents in my car!!!!!!argh! horriable!just horrible!Dx but the game title rings a bell =) whats it about ^-^ and its good to know a guy who thinks the same about okami <3 ahhh! and dont get me start with the art!!