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37 year old Male
Mar 26, 12 at 9:44pm
It's always windy here but we have been getting Days were its like 80 then next day it's 60 and rainy out
Mar 25, 12 at 9:38pm
It's going good over here just dealing with crazy weather everyday XD
gone @socrates left a comment for fullmetallove
Mar 24, 12 at 10:30pm
... I'll add one more comment, just to even out the number. o u o
gone @socrates left a comment for fullmetallove
Mar 24, 12 at 10:30pm
Oh... Oh, goodness. ./////.; Yeah, thankfully you were! Golly, that'd be embarrassing! xD;; Hahahah! It must be great to have that type of learning experience, growing up in another country. :) ... Not dealing with perverts of any sort, I - I meant the socially rich culture. . u . So were you living on base because someone in your family was stationed there, right? And what kind of things would you miss here? Other than friends and family? Perhaps I'm just jaded, but there seems to be a lot more to explore in other countries than in America.<p> AND WHOA WHOA WHOA.<br> Hold off on that tharr laserbeamin', chief.<br> You ain't got no permit for dat thang. >:o
gone @socrates left a comment for fullmetallove
Mar 24, 12 at 10:29pm
Paprika is... She's... . n . Wait. No, wait, isn't she an avatar-like...? Or... >> Something. Not human. But still... human. Ginger cyber-girl sounds good. lol >w<; Satoshi Kon was an amazing director; the movies I've seen by him are all so mesmerizing to look at, and the ones I haven't, I've heard are nothing short of awesome. He's like the Hayao Miyazaki of the animated action thrillers. :) "Paprika" is been one of my go-to's when I'm in a down mood or something, y'know? Do you have a movie or song that you fall towards, something like that? 8D OHGOSH, and congratulations again! *throws even more confetti* The floor's going to need a lot of sweeping if you keep on doing this kind of stuff. x) That's very impressive though! You must feel awesome. :3 How often do you guys take those exams? Yeah, I've actually been feeling a lot better physically lately. :o Just started going back to yoga classes. They're so amazing, dood, you have no idea. @ @;
gone @socrates left a comment for fullmetallove
Mar 24, 12 at 10:28pm
C'mon, you can't resist those pillow cases. They're so cute and moetastic. ... I dunno where phrases like "moetastic" and "legit hentai" are coming from, BUT THEY'RE COMIN'. o A o; Bear with me. lol And yes'r, born and bred, imported straight from Galway. Phff. o v o We'll ignore the quarter of English, 'cus, well, it's more fun to be Irish, quite frankly. So you're a four-eyed "half-breed", mm? xD Who'd make fun of you for having glasses? Especially when you look fine in them! Hahah! You don't have to drink to have fun on Saint Patrick's!... Though I'm sure it's more enjoyable. |D; Can't really say; a good portion of my family drinks heavily, yet I chose not to. =u= Nothin' like livin' up to the Irish stereotypes ~ Hahah. So on St. Paddy's, I'm usually the one cooking and hiding out in the kitchen. My favorite holiday... >.> Hm... Well, I do really, REALLY like Christmas, mainly because of the season. It gets colder, and you can wear hats, and coats, and boots. cx Everyone tends to be a little more understanding, those classic holiday movies come out on television, and there's a place just out of my city that is entirely lit up with decorations, lights, complete with an ice-skating rink, horse-n-carriage rides, and carolers walking around. Also, I work at Toys R Us for the holidays - I really love getting the kids all hyped up about Santa and telling them that some of the employees are his elves undercover. xD They flip out. Take THAT, East Coast. e u e HAH. You all must have really nice winters out there, with the real snow and whatnot. What's your favorite holiday and season? o:
Mar 24, 12 at 3:44pm
HI Hi *waves back* =^_^=
gone @socrates left a comment for fullmetallove
Mar 21, 12 at 4:08pm
Forgot to ask about your experience in Japan. ><; What's it like? The people are a lot nicer there, huh... . u .
gone @socrates left a comment for fullmetallove
Mar 20, 12 at 3:02pm
Your dreams remind me of "Paprika" a bit, all randomness mixed in with reality. And I like how you think oversleeping is a sign that you need to sleep more. xD LOL What are you, a koala? Though you do sound like you need it. o.o After that kind of work 'n all, jeez, I'd be passed out on the front steps. Dx;; Guhh. So how'd your weekend-long nap time go? x) That's a lot of stuff to give up for lent. Well, not a lot. But, like... hard things, dood... >.> I applaud you. *applauds* Not that my applause matters. xD Are you Catholic or just giving it a shot for the benefits? :3 It's always good to exercise self-control, right? HAHAHA. Porn... . w . I recently bought one of those pillow covers. It makes me feel so awkward having it and it's not even a legit hentai. xDD She just stares at me. Judging... I don't know how otaku guys can do it. D'8> Oh yes, AND HAPPY (belated) SAINT PATRICK'S DAY. >w< *throws confetti*
gone @socrates left a comment for fullmetallove
Mar 14, 12 at 9:15pm
Aww, sorry to hear that. ): But at least you have a clever username out of it, hah! My relationships? Well, I've only had one, and I'd have to compare it to "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". o u o Everything was "come with me, and you'll be in a world of pure imagination", and sweets, and dandy diddly music. Then, somewhere along the line, it hit a boat ride through that one tunnel... yeah. xD lol Best way I can describe it. EWW. One of those early risers. But no, you're right. Everything worth doing happens during the daytime. =w= Trust me, if I could wake up earlier, I would in a heart beat. But I'd have to train my snooze button to literally bite my hand off before that would ever happen. My sleep schedule's just screwed up because of my previous job, which was graveyard shift. Ooooh ~ what kind of dreams? o w o Air Force, definitely one of the better branches. (x Sounds like a good career goin'! And of course - could you imagine a life without challenges? It'd be so blase. .___.;; Things that require effort and determination give you a reason to get up every morning. So you sound like you've tackled quite a few things! o w o Anything really challenging you'd like to gloat about?