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Oct 04, 10 at 6:52pm
or pc :p
Oct 04, 10 at 6:50pm
I love first person shooters too xD but mw2, c'mon, all you need is a grenade launcher to win at that game. No skill Dx those noob toobers drive me crazy! >.< I'm pretty sure they confirmed zombies for black ops though so ima get it :3 do you play on 360 or ps3?
Sep 29, 10 at 2:25pm
Haha yeah it's a great idea being able to use anything as weapon :3 that's what drew me in. I only played L4D briefly but I didn't like it too much o.o I spent a lot of time playing nazi zombies on CoD too and I hear they're bringing zombies back in the new game, black ops? That's the only reason I'd buy that game >.< other than that, CoD multiplayer is so faily and bad, I'm done with giving them chances to come out with good games lol
Sep 28, 10 at 6:07pm
Haha oh awesome! Dead rising 2 eh? So it's good? I remember the first one was loads of fun. I'd dress the guy in wacky clothes and pwn zombies with teddy bears and stuff eheheh
Sep 28, 10 at 5:50pm
Oh well that's good^^ I'm not so bored myself @_@ I'm just taking a break right now from this cosplay outfit I'm working on
Sep 27, 10 at 11:01am
Thanks!^^ How's it going?
hey how have you been XD
Wow yeah that Raiden costume would look awesome though if you could replicate it. Do you normally make your own cosplay outfits?
Awesome yeah! I'd love to I acctually have a vocaloid account as well~! For my len cosplay vids and stuff.... But yeah! Do you like english vocaloids at all?
found it! XD lols :3
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