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Kuudere Fool

33 year old Male
Last online 8年以上 ago
Oxon Hill, MD
Luki @luki left a comment for Kuudere Fool
Mar 11, 13 at 3:03pm
Well, I will have to say no, but naturally since I barely even know you, silly pants! xD It's a good thing you're not letting it hurt you. I mean, it does suck, but you become absolutely content after a while. Sometimes, I'm just like.. like that Futurama Meme: "Not sure if prefer being single... or if I'm just use to being alone." xD Anyhow, you just haven't found the right girl(s), is all! Besides, don't see the dreaded-friendzone in that light. It isn't that you're unloved or ugly, not at all. You just might not fit that one little preference they have, or they might just see you better as a friend. Both are okay on their part, I think. And look, I spent the vast majority of my younger life with a group of guy friends as always nothing but their "little sister". Believe me, I know how that is. Eh. Maybe I've watched one to many anime, but if you look at it in a better light, friend-zoned or not, those friendships are still worth while. [Insert Naruto Quote Here]
Luki @luki left a comment for Kuudere Fool
Mar 11, 13 at 2:24pm
One'ssssss? And didn't really think about hotels and such. Even I can afford that much. xD Haha! And I'm with you on the confession bit. 9 times out of 10, I'm usually the one doing the confessing. Hmm.. Maybe 8/10... 7/10? Let's go with that! Though, I'd imagine it being harder for you as a guy, given society's silly standards and gender roles. I never got why it's still considered weird for the roles to reverse when it comes to courting. Hmm.. Ah well!! And you'll find it for sure, my friend! I'm quite confident in that.
Luki @luki left a comment for Kuudere Fool
Mar 08, 13 at 11:48pm
Well, you /could/ if I had a place. ^^; I'm in that weird.. "young people limbo stage" where I jump between staying with friends one week and parents another. It is what it is for now. I figured with youth, I still have time to get on my feet, right? xD Anyhow, silly bits! Don't go blaming women for that, now. It sounds like you just fell for a not-so-good one in the past. It happens. Hell, I'm more than guilty of choosing god-awful partners in the past... But that's just it! The past is the past, so I'm 127% positive you'll be experiencing that returned love in the future. ((Haven't seen that scene in One Piece before but... jeebers! ; n ; That pain.. Zoro!))
Luki @luki left a comment for Kuudere Fool
Mar 08, 13 at 9:08pm
Aye. I'm so sorry for your lost, I just can't even imagine. Y'know, you're an incredibly strong person! You should definitely know that. Haha, I was just messing. Hair's definitely not somethin' necessary, I just have a thing for nicely styled wigs? (Mostly because I can't style my own.. xD) Oh! And thanks for all the kind words, though, unaware is probably the understatement of the year? I'm kind of a ditz, but hey! I admit it so... yeah! Gwaaaah, I'd love to hang if I could, but sadly such distances are out of my (nonexistent) budget. TTwTT On that note, asking for assistance is 200% not an option. I'm like you in a sense, but for different reasons of course. I've just always been big on taking care of myself. Haha, on the flipside, I'd be damned if someday my Oji-sama tried to take care of me. XD Is that weird?
Luki @luki left a comment for Kuudere Fool
Mar 07, 13 at 4:13pm
And don't over work yourself, yo. 0-0; Stress isn't good for your health, I'm sure you know! Keep searching, and I advise rocking that fabulous hair! xD
Luki @luki left a comment for Kuudere Fool
Mar 07, 13 at 4:12pm
That moment where I can't even mentally comprehend all of them in one. Really, I can't! xD Haha! AGH! The episode? Oh jeeze, oh jeeze... I'm like way, way, way in the beginning! Such a shame, I know.. ;n; I just finished the Skypia arc so.. like.. Season 7? Yeaaaah... Womp!
I know what mama means I take Japanese >.>
Asupon ❥ @asupon left a comment for Kuudere Fool
Mar 07, 13 at 11:38am
Hi there, I'm doing good thank and you?
Nothing much ^^
Luki @luki left a comment for Kuudere Fool
Mar 06, 13 at 8:50pm
Haha! Can't say medicine is my forte, but in the name of Chopper, I shall learn!! Been crazy-pants busy with school >3< Blah! How about yourself?