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That's why it's up to us, the one's who can see the damage that's being done, to try and fix it. Even if we can't do much to repair the damage that's been done, we can at least try our best. Thank you so very much. :) Told you that you should stay on your toes, didn't I? But with that I'm sorry to say that I have to get off for the evening. I've been trying to stay up as late as I possibly could so that I might sleep better tonight that I did last night. Lol. It's been really nice talking to you...I don't even know what to call you. I don't want to just call you Animekid though.
I do hate the way that people abuse this planet. It's our home. The only one we'll ever have. If only others could see the harm that's being done to it. Friends are good too. Just don't tell my existing friends that I'm finally branching out. :P 42 and 83 are actually really close relatives.
Oh okay, well. Now I'm not the most religious being, but for example the Bible. The story of Adam and Eve. That was temptation in a nutshell. They were tempted by the forbidden fruit and they gave into that temptation. In theory, without them giving into it, none of us would essentially be here right now. We wouldn't be here having this conversation. That's why I'm here. So I can hopefully find someone that's hopefully like me. Haven't you heard? 83 is the answer to everything.
Oh Lord. Must I? O^O I mean I'll try to come up with something if you really want me to. It's all cool. That was nearly 3 years ago and I simply just don't allow myself to dwell too much on it. I just have to keep in mind that there is someone out there that's meant for me. I just have to find him. Yup, tis a face. Lol.
It all depends on the situation. Heheheheh. :D Well then do I need to mention that when he as 17 he would call me mom. I don't want to go from "Hey Mom. What's going on?" to "Hey not Mom. Boobs?" It might just be me, but something about the idea just doesn't sit well with me. Lol. And I've only had sex once, but God do I wish I could go back and grab hold of my wrist and pull me away. Just so that I could tell myself not to do it. That it wasn't worth all of the emotional distress that the guy would place on my shoulders later. So yeah. The next time I'd like to be absolutely certain that it's what I want and that I truly love the guy as well as they truly love me. But I guess that's how valuable lessons are learned. Pffft. If you say so. 83
Exactly. Now you're getting it. Better stay on your toes. :3 Not really. He's my best friend, plus there's quite an age gape between him and me. He'll be turning 21 in September, and I've already been down that road and have tried dating guys that were around 5 or so years younger than me. It didn't go well. xD So now I'm looking for someone that's my age. But I'm the same way. I don't want to do anything with another person if I don't feel emotionally connected with them. I don't want to have any regrets. I've tried explaining that to the guys I've dated in the past but they couldn't wrap their heads around the concept. Oh Dear Lord, protect me now. xD
Ed~ @yamadaed nowadays people seem to have lost the value of sentimental connections, instead they seem to purely pursue a sexual relationship~
It isn't a bad thing. Indeed it is. *adjusts glasses* I'm an evil genius. Yeah. He's already voiced some interest. But not the right kind of interest. What he wants is a FWB deal and I'm on the other end of the spectrum. I get too emotionally attached to people, so a set up like that would be the death of me for sure. Lol. I do scare easily, and I jump high. I'm very cat like in the sense that I jump about 4 feet off of the ground and then I just take off running. xD
You get tempted a lot, don't you? :P I'll just ask my sister-in-law who's a 4th grade teacher for the school my niece goes to let me in. I'll mess with her so much. My best friend is all the time saying that when we hang out we're going to go drinking. *sighs* But I'm not fooled. I know what he'll end up trying if I agree to it. I may not be the best at games, but I'm great at getting spooked. And my reactions are 1000% genuine. I get so terrified. It's fun recording footage of a horror game when it's 3 AM and you're the only one awake and you just want to scream but you push the screams down. :3
Play any new games lately https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DbihdpEVMAApqHS.jpg
‍Animekid @animekid Sadly no. Just knocking out some anime and RWBY
Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21 Just trying to get through the xeno franchise xD
‍Animekid @animekid Hehehe keep it up
Oh yeah, don't get me started on the horrible story. At this point, I don't think that there's any changing her mind. It's one of those weird stories where the niece ends up being older than the aunt type of scenarios. Le sigh. Oh well. So long as I know the truth! :D I know right? I've never really been interested in bars or the sorts. Too many guys hitting on the girls for all the wrong reasons. And all the girls are just dressed in barely nothing. Plus I don't drink, so~ I'll do a repeat performance if you ever so desire it, my good sir. ^_^
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