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33 year old Male
Last online 9年以上 ago
Luverne, MN
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Mar 15, 15 at 2:18am
thank you. Anime is amazing lol. My favorite anime is One Piece. Nice pic Lock! Whats it mean?
I believe they both have their redeeming features, however, since they both have a different plot it really isn't fair to compare them. For example, SAO is all about getting trapped in a game an having to beat the game in order to leave the game while LH is about one day waking up trapped in a world based off a game they played in the real world and having to adapt to their new environment. I won't deny that SAO is broken in the fact that Kirito is portrayed as an all powerful character that gets all the gils (his harem, eh hmm) but the story line is still interesting. Personally I like LH more for that fact that it has a more real life feel to it and it's easier to relate to. The best part is that Shiro can't do everything perfectly and he does tend to make mistakes a lot. Way better character layout than Kirito. The only thing I'm excitd about is which girl Shiro picks. I'm rooting for Akatsuki. If the author chooses to make him pick Minori instead I'll seriously be P.O.ed.