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Jumpscares and Horror?

rollingboy64 @rollingboy64
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Jumpscares and Horror?
rollingboy64 @rollingboy64
Horror is my favorite genre in games, anime, manga,movies, VNs, and basically everything so I think real "creepiness" and jumpscares both have their place. I feel that jumpscares are overused in many horror movies and such, which gives them a bad name but they definitely have their place in the horror world. There's nothing like that anxious tension you get from a real creepy atmosphere, but if you build up that tension and throw in a great jumpscare but keep the creepy momentum going afterwards, it can be very nerve-wracking. But again, don't overuse the jumpscare. One jump goes a long way.
Need new friends to geek out with In Northern Cali

rollingboy64 @rollingboy64
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Need new friends to geek out with In Northern Cali
rollingboy64 @rollingboy64
I'm in the central valley and bay area. Add me on Skype if you want. Sype ID: atouchofgrey6457