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Last online 約10年 ago
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I don't know if there are any people in Ohio on here or even near Columbus, If you are awesome :D
My name is Shae I am 15 years old CAME ON HERE TO MEET NEW PEOPLE NOT TO GET TOUCHED lellelelelel. I know this is a dating site but still I don't really care at all. If you don't like it, then ignore me and get on with your life. c: I am a female I'm a shorty/ 5'2'' I like to draw anime and random things, I play Minecraft and Left 4 Dead. (I WILL ALSO PLAY WITH YOU ON A MINECRAFT SERVER) My favorite color is green I have a thing for cats, hamsters, and dogs. SORRY IF I AM ANNOYING TO YOU, BUT REALLY... I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT. I CAN COUGH, BREATHE, SNEEZE ETC... IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT IGNORE IT. -._.- I would like to be a neko. But NOOO XD