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swords instead of guns

MetaSynth21 @metasynth21
commented on
swords instead of guns
MetaSynth21 @metasynth21
...they don't run out of ammo...
...Live by them...
...Die by them...
...Rize by them...
Japan militarizing for first time since WWII

MetaSynth21 @metasynth21
commented on
Japan militarizing for first time since WWII
MetaSynth21 @metasynth21
...WWIII iz going to happen sooner or later...the robotz will duke it out becauze most people are II chicken shit to go to war themselvez...most of us are gonna die...i can't fuckin' wait...why?...becauze we are born slaves and don't even know it...and all the thingz that made america awesome are now ash...all morality iz out the fuckin' are we gonna win a war when there iz no REAL unity in america...America anit shit but a fuckin' shopping mall...just like the rest of the planet...soilderz go to war while their wives bang the next door'z time for this zoo planet to come to an just bitter...