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ogatsujeel @ogatsujeel
ogatsujeel @ogatsujeel
What is there rest 7/8?
Any mythical Cypriots?

toritori @toritori
commented on
Any mythical Cypriots?
toritori @toritori
I am 1/8 Cypriot if that helps

ogatsujeel @ogatsujeel
ogatsujeel @ogatsujeel
Haha where did he disappear to? :P
Any mythical Cypriots?

Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
commented on
Any mythical Cypriots?
Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
There was one running around here a while ago. I forget what his name was and where he went.
Have you guys seen this?

ogatsujeel @ogatsujeel
Have you guys seen this?
ogatsujeel @ogatsujeel
I don't know if it was reposted but have you seen this? Microsoft just casually chatting about Black Clover hahaha
What Are You Listening To Right Now?

ogatsujeel @ogatsujeel
commented on
What Are You Listening To Right Now?
ogatsujeel @ogatsujeel
Show me the hate