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Kira Yoshikage @volicanedyr
Kira Yoshikage @volicanedyr

Accurate depiction of my life

Kira Yoshikage @volicanedyr
Kira Yoshikage @volicanedyr
Damn shooting myself doesnt sound that much of a bad idea anymore tbh

Kira Yoshikage @volicanedyr
Kira Yoshikage @volicanedyr

Reality is often disappointing
What Japanese Music Have You Been Listening Into Right Now? [2020]

Kira Yoshikage @volicanedyr
commented on
What Japanese Music Have You Been Listening Into Right Now? [2020]
Kira Yoshikage @volicanedyr
Most of the Japanese songs i listen to are from Pink Season
Coronavirus. Your thoughts? [Serious and Non-Serious]

Kira Yoshikage @volicanedyr
commented on
Coronavirus. Your thoughts? [Serious and Non-Serious]
Kira Yoshikage @volicanedyr
Just wanted to say thank you to my fellow filipinos for not wearing masks and not maintaining social distancing, we have reached over 85,000 cases.