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34 year old Male
Last online 5年以上 ago
Azusa , CA
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Jun 10, 19 at 2:54am
The way I feel is a void which spills the impossible complexity of which my mind races.
Jun 10, 19 at 2:28am
The sky is up and dam I want to be up there too
Jun 10, 19 at 2:43am
It's not about liking or disliking people or their choices. I've been angry for a long time at the world for their choices they make that affected those around. Meaning I can't stand the fact that the few don't see that their choices are affecting everyone in a negative way just to gain a positive for oneself. Then I realized I'm not angry at the world, I love the world so much that it pisses my off that people waste potential on self gain instead of a way that can help everyone strive. Like being able to figure how to get to space as a field trip but nope rather save it only for the few. It's just an example.