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27 year old Male
Last online 7年以上 ago
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Wish I was of the female gender so people would post on my board, sadly I'm just a male so I gotta figure it out by myself
They need to make a tinder for otakus
I wish I could just upload all my completed anime from Myanimelist, doing it again is going to be a chore
tbh I did this because I couldn't sleep, true story tho... come get me ladies
At the young age of 13, one middle school boy began scrolling through Netflix. What he found was a show in which the animated girls had very large breasts. This intrigued the young boy because he was a boob over butt kind of guy (times have changed) and decided to watch the show. What he found was a show worth watching not for the size of the girls cleavage, but for the amazing plot and character developement. This show that was his very first anime became his favorite show and he has since rewatched it numerous times and recently read the manga. Fast forward to his Highschool years, the young boy has developed into a young adult and has now watched nearly 170 different anime shows. He became a full fledged otaku and infact stopped watching anime for awhile because he couldn't find any others that peaked his interest. Come to modern day and that same man has begun to rewatch all of his old favorite shows and it has rekindled his passion and hobby. He now realizes that for him to have a truly happy marriage and relationship, his wife must watch anime. I am that boy from 6 years ago, and this website is a means to completing my mission to find my future wife.