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o l i

24 year old Male
Last online 1年以上 ago
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gamers you’ll never guess my life took a complete 180 i got a cute girl and we’re goin on a date sometime in the future how this happened i have no clue but wow this is new to me lmao. also i’m 21 now so that’s dope. crazy to think i signed up on this site as a desperate 17 yr old and two yrs later stopped caring and look where it got me hell yeah.
apparently one of my friends met someone that i sent dms on here years ago and leaked the dms :o. funny moment lol
hey any old og friends remember when i posted purely cringe depressed posts lol i remember those days man that was 2-3 years ago wow.
I don’t wanna work tomorrow can I cry and just not go in instead
Premium Upgrade
Aug 17-18
May 28-31
May 26-29