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hyperdimension neptunia

thisisraf @thisisraf
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hyperdimension neptunia
thisisraf @thisisraf
I just recently got into the series myself off of someone suggestion. Right now i'm working my way through the first game and i'm really enjoying it. I can't wait to get the other games in the main series, not sure if I should get the spin-off, has anyone here played those? if so should I give them a shot?
Gay/bi/les dating

thisisraf @thisisraf
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Gay/bi/les dating
thisisraf @thisisraf
Name/age: Raf, 29
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Hair/eyes: Black , Dark Brown
hobbies: Board Games, Anime themed video games, cooking, biking, graphic design, illustration
Music: Rock, Pop, J-pop / rock
Occupation/study: Freelance Graphic designer / illustrator as well as Creative Director of Avant-Garde Games
Height/weight: 5"10, 200 (i'm working on dropping that)
Anime's: Naruto, Yu-gi-oh! (just series zero and one), Dragonball Z, One Punch Man, One Piece, A Certain Magical Index 1 & 2, A Certain Scientific Railgun 1 & 2, Devil Part-timer, Sword Art Online 1 & 2, Gurran Lagan, etc.
What you are looking for: Someone like me to share my life with...
Personal values: Love, Trust, Honesty, Bravery, Reliability, Loyalty
Horoscope/spirit animal/year animal: pisces, tree sloth (there so cute @0@) Tigar
How'd you find this site?: I was looking to find more people with similar interests