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My cosplay of Lisa Garland from Silent Hill 2. Got to meet Vic Mignogna!

ari801 @ari801
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My cosplay of Lisa Garland from

ari801 @ari801
YOU GOT TO MEET VIC!!!!! Super jelly!

Always @weaj
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My cosplay of Lisa Garland from

Always @weaj
I have all but 2 silent hills I think :x probably my favorite horror series :]

kurotard @kurotard
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My cosplay of Lisa Garland from

kurotard @kurotard
I do too. One of my friends is completely obsessed with it, and every year she dresses up as Pyramid Head, so one year I dressed up as this with her.

Always @weaj
commented on
My cosplay of Lisa Garland from

Always @weaj
<3 silent hill :}
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