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♫ It's the Circle of Liiiiiiiiiife~♫ This is my friend Alex. We re-enacted the Lion King.

Mitsuki @luxlu
commented on
♫ It's the Circle of Liiiiiiiii

Mitsuki @luxlu
Eh heh heh heh.

pikaneko13 @pikaneko13
commented on
♫ It's the Circle of Liiiiiiiii

pikaneko13 @pikaneko13
...Dammit, Lulu, you killed the moment D:<

Mitsuki @luxlu
commented on
♫ It's the Circle of Liiiiiiiii

Mitsuki @luxlu
I always was indifferent to this movie *kicks the dvd set* I like Atalantis more

pikaneko13 @pikaneko13
commented on
♫ It's the Circle of Liiiiiiiii

pikaneko13 @pikaneko13
Through despair and hope

Mitsuki @luxlu
commented on
♫ It's the Circle of Liiiiiiiii

Mitsuki @luxlu
And it moves us aaaaalllll
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